Carn Dûm Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Carn Dûm

Situated at the northwestern tip of the Misty Mountains, built around the exit of the old dwarven mine of Barazbizar after T.A. 1274.   Only a handful of the Free Peoples had viewed the interior of Carn Dûm (S."Red Vale"; Hi."Dun Cairn", "Stone Fort") and escaped alive. Both Orcs and evil Men resided in Carn Dûm, which was more a military camp than a proper city. A mighty wall protected the above-ground city, but the subterranean halls provided an even more formidable defense. Deep within the mountain, the Witch-king schemed the demise of the Dúnedain of the North, surrounded by his servants and the countless treasures he had seized from his enemies.


Inhabitants: 60% Angmarean, 40% Orcish


Administrative Organization: All power rests with the Witch-king, and all property is ultimately his. The Witch-king appoints his assistants, high priests, and generals, who carry out his commands with an iron fist. The land is divided into military districts, each responsible for maintaining a portion of Angmar's large standing army.


Capital of Angmar; last line of defense for the Witch-king; a base from which he plots the downfall of Arthedain.

Points of interest

The Mountains of Angmar (S."Ephel Angmar") were an extension of the Misty Mountains which engirdled the Nan Angmar and served as a natural guard to intrusions from the east, south and north.
Founding Date
1300 T.A.
Location under
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