Mount Gram Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Mount Gram

The tall peak of Mount Gram (Hi. Crúach Brón; S./N.Orodnîr) was on the southern borders of ancient Angmar. Originally a dwarven settlement of the Broadbeams and known as Barûk-Zigil, later the servants of the Witch-king had delved a mountain-fortress in the southern arm of the Mountains of Angmar which enclosed the Nan Angmar. Gram was the most notorious Orc-hold west of the Misty Mountains, and no Man had escaped from its depths alive with a coherent description of its interior. Its raiding parties harassed the Great East Road throughout the Third Age and occasionally got past the Rangers of the North and the Elves of Rivendell to trouble Bree-land and the Shire.


Gram-Goblins (Or."Kapûl-Gram") a tribe or tribal confederacy of goblins that inhabitated Mount Gram and the former dwarven settlement of Baruk-Zigil. Three known tribes of the coalition were the Thrakburzum the Uruk-Lûgat and the Gramsfoot-Goblins (Or."Gramfra").
Founding Date
2800 S.A.
Military, Base
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Owning Organization

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