Mount Gundabad Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Mount Gundabad

From the northern part of the Vales of Anduin, Mount Gundabad appeared to be the northern endpoint of the Misty Mountains and the western endpoint of the Grey Mountains, although slightly separated from both ranges. In actuality, the Misty Mountains continued past Mount Gundabad in a north-westerly direction (this extension was known as the Mountains of Angmar). In all maps the mountain was shown as having three conjoined peaks. Bordering Forodwaith to the north, the mountain undoubtedly had a cold climate. Where the chain of the Misty Mountains abuts the heights of the Grey Mountains, the Goblin race makes its capital. In the First Age, Orcish refugees from the destruction of Angband made the triple-peaked mountain their base from which they would carry out the legacy of Morgoth's hatred of the Free Peoples, and it has been a gruesome model of Orcish society ever since. Orcish politics are as primitive as the rest of their society. Few tribal chieftains outside of the Mountain acknowledge the Rogash as their overlord without a blade at their throat. Any tribute collected by the Lord of Gundabad comes to him through the brute force of his collectors and not through his authority as the lord of all Orcs. However, no Troll-Lord is greater than he, and he maintains order within his realm better than any lesser chieftain, so it is understandable that Gundabad be considered the center of Orcish and Olog power. In fact, while Mount Gundabad is the focus for Orcish authority, it in turn is but a fief of Angmar's empire. Though the Witch-king allows the Lord of Gundabad freedom during peacetime, he expects the Orcs of the Mountain to follow his every command when he makes his final assault on Arthedain. Gundabad exports enough ores and finished metal products to Angmar to exchange for food that cannot be grown in the depths. However, the Orcs simply take most of the items they desire, either from other Orc tribes or from the Northmen foolhardy or unfortunate enough to live in Gundabad's shadow.
Underground / Vault
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