The Great Houses of Arnor Organization in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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The Great Houses of Arnor

The Hîrath (S."Lords") or Hîredair (sgl. "Hiradar": S."Lord Father") were the heads of the noble families of Arnor (Nossëturi in traditional Arthedain). Especially in Cardolan, Hîr became the common title for the ruling lords of the land after the practical end of it’s royal line. The title was basically a loose translation of the ancient Númenórean title Bar or Barûn. Therefore Hîradar was also translated as "Lord" or "Baron". Originally the title Hîr, as a royal vassal, was opposite to that of the Ernil, a formally independent "Prince" (Ad."Er"). The Great Families were also known as the Belevair (S."Mighty Houses") or Nossër Melehtar (among the Quenya speakers). Among the Sindar, Hîr designated any greater leader or master of a craft, without referring to an explicit title of nobility or vassal-status. In Rhudaur the heads of the Great Families were known as the Airain or Tirath, and were more similar in status to petty kings. In Arnor, each Hîrath ruled their own piece of land or heirdom (S: "Hirdor").   Arthadan The Seven Great Houses (Q."Nossër Melehtar") House Artenosse (W."Arnoss") House Eketyar (W."Eketta") House Emeryar (W."Emerie") House Formenyar (W."Forro") House Hyarromenyar (W."Hyarr") House Lómëar (W."Lome") House Nen Garan (W."Nencar") House Noirinanya (W."Noirins") House Oiomiril (W."Uimîr") House Orromenyar (W."Orros") House Tarmear (W."Tarmas")   Cardolandren Hîrdyr: House Arondo (S."Argond") House Aranyonórë (S."Ernildor") House Faerdor (W."Feotar") House Carnëyar (W."Ceren") House Calinyar (W."Gelin") House Girithlin (Q."Nortolînyar") House Hahtayar (W."Hodhad")   Rhudaurian Airain: House Orartayar (W."Amrothar") House Eldanayar (W."Eldanar") House Endehildëyar (W."Enedhil") House Laureanonyar (W."Gloranon") House Melessin (W."Melosse") House Mistaláta (S."Mithlad") House Hrótaiyar (W."Rhudainor") House Rómentiryar (W."Rhûntir") House Sorondilyar (W."Thorondil")
Alternative Names

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