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Sir EgoLoin

Hoarder of the Eternal Flagon of El Ron Sir EgoLoin (a.k.a. The Creep)

My lords! My ladies. And everyone else here not sitting on a pile of cold hard coin of the realm. *a murmmering/muttering from the crowd* find yourselves equals. For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure.... of introducing to you a WIZARD sired by well we really can't divulge that information *hush hush*. If we did something might happen to you A wizard who attended Fukket-Veille academy for early achievers. Many of you may have heard of the plague of culture and it's resolution by the High Hand. Well I can assure you Sir EgoLoin may have had a part in it but you know *hush hush*. And next, he has amazed us all still further in the MilkWood Affair when he saved Richard's End from a serious ravaging. Some say it was all started by none other than Reichting Wahl. *rumors abound*. In Gol Duldur, he spent a year lecturing *for free* ....just to improve the lives of others by the dispensation of his knowledge. In so doing he was made an honorary member of the Tinkers Guild.   And so, without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, the Seeker of Harmony, the shield of Richard's End, and the left hand of Inky-Doo, the one, the only, SIR EGOLOIN THE TINKERER OF RICHARD'S END*!!     *Really known as Richard's Bottom

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gaunt, lean, tall, ghoulishly thin

Body Features

Huge nostrils, long legs, and long arms with long claw-like hands consisting of bony fingers and even longer fingernails

Facial Features

Heavy lidded eyes, aquiline nose

Identifying Characteristics

Ghoulishly white skin with dark baggy circles under the eyes.

Physical quirks

Facial tic when he is lying but thinking everyone believes him.

Special abilities

Able to seek out those at their lowest morale (so he can prey upon them)

Apparel & Accessories

Always carry's a flaggon of wine (which is always near empty). Always holding a 1/4 full glass of wine

Specialized Equipment

Smells fear or weakness from a mile away

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hails from the Flatlands in the central part of Fukket-Veille. Was shunned as a child and always curried favor of his teachers and the head master.   Disappeared in the 2nd semester at FoontRight University and was not heard of again for many years.   Some say he explored the Darklands in search of the holy flagon of Lord Ron.   In that time it is rumored he acquire dark magic and is claimed to have stolen the holy flagon of Lord Ron.  The truth is much more sinister and diabolical.  The Eternal Flagon of El Ron is now always in his possession and is guarded with extreme jealousy.

Gender Identity



unknown... he's never seen with anyone in an amorous way.


Attended LittleLords Academy and later FoontRight University. As an orphan it was never understood how he managed to get into either school.


Official wine taster at the Govoner's place in Lake Fukket-Veille.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Governor of Fukket-Veille

Failures & Embarrassments

Dethroned as governor of Fukket-Vril under what the press is claiming are suspicious circumstances. Some say there was nothing suspicious about it because "we all knew he was a fraud".

Mental Trauma

Denied access to family money because he was adopted.

Intellectual Characteristics

Keen eye for details and able to twist and argument in his favor (temporarily). Consequently he always sounds like he's right when he's actually wrong.

Morality & Philosophy

What's yours is rightfully mine


never pay retail

Personality Characteristics


Trying to make up for being an orphan with unknown lineage. Raised by grifters and left at the parish doorstep in FlatToon, EgoLoin seeks social status and praise from anyone he's around.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Understands the cold shoulder Is unable to give it.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes putting others down with a 'good' argument. Hates being put in his place

Virtues & Personality perks

Sometimes when he's drunk and feeling maudlin he will say something nice

Vices & Personality flaws

Tries too hard to win when looking for the big win. Can be countered by egging him on.

Personality Quirks

When he knows he's lost the argument his right nostril will flare


None... He never takes a bath. He claims it's a waste of time. He prefers to believe his all natural wool sweaters and britches naturally absorb an neutralize body odor.


Contacts & Relations

Unknown as he was orphaned

Family Ties


Religious Views

On the outside: Nihilist On the inside: Bubastis

Social Aptitude

Able to worm his way into any conversation


Wrist flopping when interjecting or making a point Eye rolling when addressed with the truth Nostril flaring when he's lost an argument

Hobbies & Pets

Feeding flies to his plants


Sycophantic banter

Wealth & Financial state

Some say lots, others say none (at least none of his own)

A wizard whose lineage is barely a trickle - some say. We all wonder where he came from. His calling card is a two headed sulphurous match.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Keeper of the royal Flaggon
Current Residence
Lake Fukket-Vale
Greyish yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
ghoulish white
6' 11"
Quotes & Catchphrases
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink, I feel shame! Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this wine, they might be out of work, and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, ‘It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver
Known Languages
Whinetraub - A sort of patois common to those preoccupied with social status and wine.

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