Vasir the Jailor

Vasir is youngest son of Ve and is credited for being extremely wise despite his cocky prideful demeaner. He travels far and wide across the nine realms and beyond teaching his wisdom to others and obtaining new knowledge himself, spending little time actually in Asgard. His favorite topic of knowledge is the production of alchohal, learning almost every way to make a beverage and creating many more. The days he returns to Asgard is a day of celebration as they get to spend a night drinking the best mead only Vasir can make. He was instrumental in the plot to capture loki and his children as he devised the plan for it himself and oversaw its operation to much success. 
Depiction. He is depicted as a finely groomed man wearing typical northen clothing tailored in a more sophisticated style.
Worshippers. Guards, jailors, judges, bounty hunters, lawyers, travelers, scholars, explorers, archeologists, tavern keeps, tavern patrons, brewers, and more are just some of many of the wide range of followers Vasir has.
  • Make sure those that deserve punishment do not escape due justice
  • Be a teacher for what you know and a student for what they know
  • Travel far and wide and become wise along the way but never forget home


Vasir the Jailor


Towards Perun




Towards Vasir the Jailor


Perun (Brother)


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