

Chi is nondescript and unremarkable, though he does not look like a local. He has black hair, olive skin and green eyes. He wears typical furs of the region and wraps his face and hides it from casual view. His furs are tight to his body but do not restrict easy movement. He often has an assortment of weapons strapped to his body. A pack is typically slung over his shoulder.  


Chi was one of the young boys rescued from a clan of orc slavers. He has sworn an oath to take revenge on them and means to keep it. Known in the village as a proficient hunter and as quiet and perceptive. Though usually controlled and well-mannered, his close friends know him to possess a fierce temper, especially where orcs are concerned. He has a passion for cartography and has a collection of maps he is always refining.   In the village he worked with the hunters and trackers, learning their skills, and with the warriors, learning how to fight. At some stage, he started to work with the old wizard of the village, Eriulf  - who taught Chi how to access the Shadows and draw their power to him.
Current Location
Year of Birth
16 416 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization