
Hunterton is a small village in the vast tundra region of Midgard. It is situated on the shore of a lake fed by streams that come down from the White Mountains to the west.   The people live by fishing, hunting and herding reindeer. They trade the skins and meat for grain and metal ores.   The village is home to around 30 families and is surrounded by a palisade for defence, the tops of the gateposts are carved into dragons heads. They do not have a militia or guard, in times of war all the men and women of age defend the village. They can muster 60 fighters (1st level), mostly armed with spears.   The houses are made from wood with turves on the rooves, usually with a central fire.   The village hall is made from roughly cut wood with a thatched roof. Brogi is the village chieftain and he is easily the best warrior in the village.   Asami is the village cleric. She is in her 50s and maintains the frequent rituals needed to keep the favour of the gods. She can heal and brew potions. She was responsible for our rescue from the orcs in our youth.   Hamir is the village blacksmith. Most of his raw metal comes from passing dwarf traders. Sigmund works with him.   Media is the brewer, supplying mead (made from imported ingredients) and vodka (made from local ingredients) for important events.   Eriulf is a very old (80) wizard who needs much help and care.  Seer works with him.
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