
Fyren is a handsome half-elf. All of you know him as not very bright and not very strong. He's not a good logger or hunter, blacksmith or teamster even though he's more than survived by working in these roles. Instead, over the years you've seen him gradually develop into a good woodcarver and his pieces are highly sort after. Some of the villagers have noticed and now go to him for bedsteads, pick handles and their favourite weapons. He trades these for food and the things he needs. Occasionally travelling groups pass through the village and they too take an interest in his work. He trades with them for things such as his crossbow but especially finer tools to use in his work.   He's nimble, agile and fast. The best hunters in the village know he can be an excellent stalker, careful and quiet when the need arises. He's a crack shot with his light crossbow which is how he prefers to fight. His crossbow is beautifully carved although no one really knows what the carvings depict.   Fyren is a little different, there's something about him that doesn't quite make sense. He'd never get ill, yet he could break a bone. Although he felt the cold, it didn't seem to be quite as bad as everyone else. He had a resilience which didn't fit in with his build or size. He could take a hit or beating as well as anyone and those who sought to bully him or take advantage soon found out he could more than hold his own.   A punch or a fall that hurt others seemed to glance off him often not even leaving a mark and bigger lads would often call him lucky when they failed to drop him. Usually, whatever the provocation, Fyren kept his cool although occasionally his eyes would seem to blaze with determination and latent fury which he then quickly controlled.   Such troubles often came as a result of the fact that Fyren was always of interest to the village girls which made the other lads keen to compete for their affection. Fyren liked this attention and over the years developed a way with people. He was charming, attentive and beguiling. His golden blonde hair and gold-flecked eyes, handsome features and warm smile made him stand out. He had a way with words and was good at talking his way into trouble and out of it.   He could charm the hind leg off a donkey and the village men new it. Fyren could almost snap his fingers and their wives, girlfriends and daughters would come running. Fyren however was careful not to overstep the mark. He was equally adept at reassurance, placating, soothing and calming things in order to avoid confrontation.   To those of you who knew him well, he seemed a reliable friend who you could trust to have your back in a tight situation. Only a select few of you had ever seen him in any other light.    Only your group had seen his eyes blaze with power as he stopped a charging bear, instantly putting it into a deep slumber. Only you had seen him slow the charge of an angry boar with a beam of pure cold.   At such times Fyren was almost resplendent as the power coursed from him, something else entirely. Such power would scare your villagers and you all do Fyren a favour by keeping it quiet.   Fyren knew this was highly unusual and decided to keep it hidden. At first, he was wary of where this power came from but over time came to understand that he was learning to control it and getting stronger.   One thing that almost all of the village noticed was that Fyren had a piece of golden amber. He traded for it and it was the one piece that he worked on that wasn't wood. He'd sit for ages while oh so carefully carving. Those of you who'd seen it up close knew it was a carving of a magnificent golden dragon. (Assuming we all know from legends what a dragon is. If not then it's a beautiful majestic creature with wings, four legs etc.)
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