
No one knows where he came from. He was a child slave working for orcs. At some stage in their 'care' he got caught in a terrible fire and was nearly killed. The event left him covered from foot to toe with hideous burns and with most of his face melted away. Something happened that day however and the gods touched him. Though he lost his eyes and ears, he can somehow still see and hear in his own way. His senses appear as strong as ever and in fact that day he started to gain strange insights into things beyond the vision of normal folk.   No one knows his name as he would speak to no one upon his rescue from the orcs. If he even knows his name he has never told anyone.   He worked in the village tending to the wounded and sick. He grew to understand the plants and herbs, seeking information on them from any who would teach him. He tried them out on himself, seeing if he could heal his terrible scars.   He is quiet and introvert, preferring to spend time alone, studying plants and herbs, than with the others of the village. He often goes off wandering into the wilds around the village alone.   Occasionally he would tell some of the young boys of the village when he had a 'vision'. They generally joked and teased him about it. Until the visions started coming true. Then the village folk started to call him 'Seer'. The name has stuck.
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