Session 2

General Summary

The date is Sunday 9th April

The time is 2:00 PM   We go in to explore the cave. Giddy teenagers are on an adventure away from all the grown-ups in the village. The entrance is coated in slippery moss. We beat off lots of bats which swarm us while treading in lots of bat guano underfoot.   There are a few small stalagmites and stalactites in this cavern. The stream flows off to the east, another passage leads off to the north.   Head north. Find a short dead-end side passage. A manky sack contains a large rusty scimitar, a necklace of teeth and a purse of coins which we guess are of Orc origin.   Continue north. Enter a very large cavern with a high ceiling and many stalagmites/stalactites. Near the middle of the room are the remains of an old, small camp fire, hanging over which is a copper pot with old fish bones at the bottom. Find a rusty orc helmet and a satchel containing bone fish hooks and a tinderbox.   Continue off to the east to a cavern with some quite impressive stalactites. We realise that some of the stalactites on the ceiling are moving - they are actually some strange creatures which attack us! A lengthy fight breaks out as they attack by dropping onto us, then slowly clambering up the walls again. Meanwhile, we can only attack those on the floor.   Near the north passage of this cave lies the skeleton of a humanoid. Its fur clothes and leather boots are decayed, a rusty scimitar is still in its scabbard by its side. The head of the skeleton is completely smashed and the other bones are disturbed. Some coins are scattered around.   Continue through a narrow tunnel to the south. This large cavern is on two levels, the water falls over a 10' edge. In the middle of the cavern is a pool around which are growing various cave fungi. The stream exits to the south east. A Giant Frog hungrily attacks us so we kill it.   The stream snakes down a low, narrow passage, the walls glisten with damp. Many large fungi grow on the floor. The sound of rushing water comes from further along.   As we approach, one of the mushrooms emits a loud shriek! We swiftly silence it but wonder who or what it may have alerted. The tunnel emerges at the back of a waterfall back above ground again. We tie a rope around Tinnan's waist and send him to investigate.   It seems we have explored the whole cave. We exit and hope to seek out at least one more beaver so we can return with a pelt for each of us. Rattling another dam attracts 4 beavers to emerge. We swiftly kill them. We now have 9 pelts.   The time is 4:00 PM   We retreat to the nearby cave to rest in peace and quiet.

Rewards Granted

  • A beaver pelt each.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Collect beaver pelts

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Report Date
14 May 2019
Primary Location