Session 3

General Summary

The date is Sunday, 9th April

  Camp overnight in the caves, Leave behind a cache of rations, torches and firewood in case we are back in the area and need a bolthole.  

The date is Monday, 10th April

  Time to head home. It's pouring it down with rain however so we continue sheltering in the cave until it eases off around lunchtime.   As evening draws in we are just thinking about finding a campsite when we run into some giant wasps. We swiftly down one but the other stings Sigmund and he falls unconscious. Kill the second wasp.   Make camp nearby and wait for Sigmund to come round. We then proceed to have a quiet night's rest. We continue south, following the river, foraging as we go.   While preparing to camp one night, we see bright shimmering lights in the sky - the northern lights. Idris says the light is caused by Heimdall opening the Bifrost bridge to Valhalla to let heroes come and go.  

The date is Sunday, 16th April

  Arrive back in Hunterton. Proudly hand in the beaver pelts. We survived 13 days away from home! Tell them about what we saw and encountered on our travels. Get some guidance on finding Crows Wood for our third task. We spend the rest of the day chilling out and resting our weary feet.  

The date is Monday, 17th April

  Depart on our third task, following the river as suggested by Brogi. Spend a couple of days travelling east. Arrive on the lakeside by Crows Wood. Spot some smoke from a fire. Seer summons a bat to investigate, it returns with news of a few people. We sneak to take a closer look and realise they are Goblins. As we move around investigating we inadvertently alert a goblin who blows a loud horn and all hell breaks loose as goblins swarm everywhere. A sprawling brawl breaks out and goblins start dropping, though not without inflicting serious injuries to us with their bows. Notice the goblins all bear a wolf paw symbol.   Search for blue berries, while staying alert for further goblin ambush, Spend a couple of hours filling the jars. Rest peacefully overnight.  

The date is Saturday, 22nd April

  Head back to Hunterton. Hand in berry jars. Now we can officially become adults! Hearty congratulations from Chieftan Brogi and the other villagers. Have a huge feast and make merry.

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  • Reached Level 2

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Report Date
15 May 2019
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