Session 43

General Summary

The date is Wednesday, 6th September

  The fight with the constructs was brutal and draining but eventually, the party prevailed, even after new constructs which appeared to be animated robes joined the fray.  
Dark cloth of black and purple, stitched with silver and golden threads, this resembles a garment of elvish make. Smoke sometimes billows under the hood.
  Deeper into the complex the group came across a well-stocked wizard's library and study.  
Beyond the doorway is a small, brightly lit room. There is a table, covered in papers and ink pots and quills. A couple of shelves hold dusty scrolls and other papers. Against the middle of one wall is a scruffy bed, its mattress is split at the seams and the stuffing has mostly spilt out. Lying on the remains of the pillow is a small reptilian creature.
  In there was a strange cat-like construct known as a Homunculus.   On the desk was a velum scroll. The writing was fiendish and written in blood. It was a pact between two people one called Raoul and the other Goracel. In return for humanoid slaves and sacrifices, Goracel would provide Raoul with arcane necromantic knowledge. There were lots of magical scrolls and inks in here which were distributed among the group.   We found a secret door which we opened to reveal a further room:    
The secret door swings open to reveal a well-lit room crammed with stuff and not much space to move. As the door opens a small frightful-looking creature looks up, a wicked grin flashes black teeth, and the creature nervously wrings its hands, baring long, needle-like claws that resemble quills.   There is a large table littered with odds and ends that a mage might need for crafting potions or researching spells. One wall contains shelves stacked with bottles of different shapes and sizes, containing all manner of substances. Another set of shelves is loaded with scrolls and books. A crumbling stone lectern stands in one corner.
    Biblo the goblin-demon said he works for "Tristran" – but he was lying. We used a potion and read his mind, aiming to help the interrogation but he was too resistant. He offered a magical map to treasure and Chi took it and read it, but it was a trap and exploded.   Combat started! We noticed that the book that was on the crumbling lectern had vanished. Then Biblo disappeared in a pop. A strange magical, invisible book floated around until we caught it, and stuck a knife through it, which destroyed it.   We ransacked the hidden library for magic, of which we found much.   Biblo remained at large and unaccounted for but we took a well-deserved rest in the safety of the hidden library and ate some rations.

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08 Mar 2023
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