Session 45

General Summary

The date is Thursday, 7th September

  A huge melee was taking place. A terrible Bone Devil had been summoned. It had a nasty bone stinger tail that poisoned those it hit. Chi was first to feel its effects, then Sellis. She did entangle it which helped the group wail on it. Soon it was dispelled back to the Hell that had spawned it.   But another threat had already popped into existence in the summoning circle. Another Spined Devil had arrived. It didn't last long at all though.   Very soon two more spined devils appeared and were quickly dispatched. It seemed there was an ongoing supply of these things.   Sellis worked on trying to complete the circle of blood, without much success. So we took the approach of snubbing out the candles around the outside of the circle.   That seemed to stop the torrent of new devils and the last few spined devils were destroyed easily.   We decided to destroy the magic circle so chopped up the living wick states and threw them and the candles into the lava - which appeared luke-warm and didn't melt the candles.   We had a thorough search of the complex but could find no further secret locations or things of interest. The weird homunculus followed us every step of the way. So we took a brief rest, ate some food and then left the complex.   The time is 1:00 PM   Sellis magicked us to allow us to cross the water on foot but as we were about to step onto the water a tribe of Bullywugs popped out of the water and attacked us. They were accompanied by a strange, giant green abomination.   Fireballs flew and swords and axes swung. The frogmen fired blow darts and threw spears at us. Things looked fine for the adventurers until the great behemoth rose from the depths. It had a giant tongue and four huge tentacles. It waded in, literally.   Sellis droned on at them in the sounds of a sleepy buzzing bee and the frogmen all grew sleepy and slowed right down.   More fireballs and an explosion of holy light soon left just the monstrosity to fight but, it was still struggling to act under the effects of Sellis' powerful enchantment. Still, it took a bite at Idris and swallowed him whole. Immediately after Idris, Chi was swallowed. Both nearly died in the stomach acid, but just escaped whilst the others mopped up the last of the bullywugs.

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28 Mar 2023
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