
Sigmund Jadesight (male human) has pale skin, brown hair and bright green eyes (hence the name). He has very slightly pointed ears, presumably some elven/half-elven heritage in recent history (perhaps half-elf parent). Has a muscly but slender build from all the training with his quarterstaff. He lost a toe to frostbite after falling into a river while on a hunt and as a result is very anti water, especially in the cold environment. He has a scar over one eye where he got kicked by a horse while playing as a child. He is an avid fighter and is training to one day go orc hunting and find out his history. Presumes orcs killed his family and siblings hence his hatred for the species. He will do his best to rid the land of their filth.   Locally he is a folk hero after standing up to a small orc raiding party (with 4 others) on a barn house. On a day to day basis he works hard and is known for his heavy lifting and manual labour. He has a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the fairest solution to people’s problems.
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