Banain Thunderhead Character in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Banain Thunderhead

Banain Thunderhead is a hill dwarf air ship captain.   He has smooth skin.   He has a muscular build.   He has a square, common face.   He is very bow-legged.   He discretely worships Volund, (Master of Fire and Anvil, God of Horses, Smiths, and Marriage, Patron of the Cantons, Patron of the Kariv, Master Smith of the Gods, the Wanderer, the Rider). True Neutral   He is always ready to help others.   He has low self-confidence.   He has gemcutting as a hobby.   He doesn't like change.   Marital status: Widowed

Banain Thunderhead is a 74 year old male hill dwarf air ship captain. He has a bald head and grey eyes. He has smooth skin. He stands 137cm (4'5") tall and has a muscular build.

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Good 7, Lawful 6, Neutral 4, Neutral 6, Evil 0, Chaotic 0
4' 5"
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