
Created by Ljósdagur   Graceful and ethereal beings, the Álfar are attuned to the natural world and the mysteries of magic. With their elongated lifespans, sharp senses, and inherent grace, they possess an innate affinity for archery and the arcane arts. Among the Álfar, diverse subraces have emerged, each shaped by their environments and cultural values:

Wood Álfar:
The Wood Álfar are the guardians of the enchanted Sylvanwood, where they reside amidst ancient trees and emerald foliage. Their bond with nature runs deep, granting them the ability to communicate with flora and fauna alike. Wood Álfar excel in archery and are skilled in forest lore, making them formidable protectors of their sacred realm.

High Álfar:
The High Álfar dwell in ethereal cities hidden in the mountaintops or among the stars. They are renowned for their mastery of arcane magic and the study of ancient lore. High Álfar are graceful and elegant, and they possess an unparalleled understanding of the cosmic forces, granting them mystical insights and abilities.

Dark Álfar:
The enigmatic Dark Álfar inhabit the shadowed realms, such as the Umbral Thornwoods or the Labyrinthine Mists. Their features are more pale and otherworldly, and they possess a mysterious connection to shadow magic and illusions. Often misunderstood due to their reclusive nature, Dark Álfar are both feared and respected for their formidable magical prowess.

Álfar Society:
Álfar societies embrace an appreciation for art, beauty, and the natural world. They often craft intricate jewelry, enchanting music, and ethereal artwork that reflects their connection to the world around them. Many Álfar are devoted to the worship of celestial deities from the Astrafell Pantheon, forging a deep spiritual bond with the stars and moon.

Living in harmony with nature, Álfar communities strive to maintain the balance between the material and spiritual realms. They value wisdom, patience, and the pursuit of knowledge, cherishing ancient texts and hidden secrets. As guardians of sacred sites and mystical knowledge, the Álfar play a vital role in preserving the delicate equilibrium of Midgarden.

Álfar individuals may embark on quests to uncover lost artifacts or hidden wisdom, and their involvement in the world's affairs often centers around protecting magical relics or thwarting malevolent forces. Their elegant presence and deep connection to nature make the Álfar a captivating and integral part of the diverse cultures thriving in the world of Midgarden.
Genetic Descendants