Blóðsuga (Bloh-th-SOO-gah)

The Blóðsuga are immortal beings characterized by their connection to darkness, blood, and bats. Created by the goddex Myrkurnótt, they possess supernatural abilities, including the power to transform into bats and mist, heightened senses, and an eternal struggle with their predatory instincts. Divided into the made Blóðsuga (Dökkblóð) and born Blóðsuga (Fyrstblóð), they thrive on life essence, primarily blood, and have complex relationships with other species. The Blóðsuga's enigmatic presence and their eternal battle between darkness and nobility contribute to the captivating and mysterious world of Midgarden.

Basic Information


General Appearance:
  • Blóðsuga closely resemble Maðr in terms of overall body shape and size. However, their features are often characterized by an otherworldly, ethereal beauty.
  • Their skin is pale and slightly translucent, giving it a faint, unearthly glow.
  • Blóðsuga eyes are their most striking feature, often possessing mesmerizing colors such as deep crimson, amethyst, or piercing silver. Their eyes have exceptional low-light vision, allowing them to see clearly in the dark.
  • They have pointy ears, reminiscent of bats but not as long as the Álfar, adding to their distinctive appearance.
  • Each hand has slender fingers with elongated and slightly pointed nails, which they can use for delicate tasks, like intricate spellcasting.
Muscular Structure:
  • Despite their deceptively delicate appearance, Blóðsuga have well-defined musculature. Their muscles are lean, designed for agility and strength.
  • Their physical strength surpasses that of an average Maðr, allowing them to perform impressive feats of athleticism and combat.
Skeletal Structure:
  • Blóðsuga possess a robust skeletal structure that is more resilient than that of Maðr. Their bones are denser, providing extra protection.
  • They have a unique set of rib-like bones that curve around their heart, creating a protective barrier. These bones are composed of a hardened, crystal-like substance and are one of the reasons for their increased durability.
  • Their jaws are capable of extending slightly to reveal fangs, which are retractable and used for feeding on blood. These fangs are made of a hard, ivory-like substance.
  • The skeletal structure of their wings (in bat form) is lightweight but strong, with elongated finger bones that support the wing membrane.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Blóðsuga have two distinct modes of reproduction: Dökkblóð "Made" and Fyrstblóð "Born" Blóðsuga.

Dökkblóð Blóðsuga:
  • The Dökkblóði are created through a unique and intimate process that involves an exchange of blood over three consecutive nights.
  • On the first night, a willing mortal and an existing Dökkblóð engage in a ritual that involves sharing a small amount of blood. This marks the beginning of the transformation.
  • On the second night, a more substantial exchange of blood occurs, deepening the bond between the mortal and the Dökkblóð.
  • On the third and final night, a final and significant exchange of blood takes place, sealing the transformation. This night is often the most intense and profound of the three.
  • Dökkblóði, like their creators, are unable to reproduce sexually. Instead, they can create other Dökkblóði through the same blood exchange process.
  • Depending on the stage if the process gets interupted or the mortal does not receive enough blood during the exchange results can vary between receiving a blood sickness to death.
Fyrstblóð Blóðsuga:
  • Fyrstblóð experience a gestation period that is similar to Maðr, lasting for approximately nine months.
  • During this time, the developing Fyrstblóð is nourished through a connection to the Blóðsuga heritage, drawing sustenance from the mother's Blóðsuga bloodline. This connection is a vital part of their development.
  • Fyrstblóð mothers often report a deep spiritual bond with their unborn children, sensing their unique Blóðsuga nature and abilities.
  • When it comes time for childbirth, Fyrstblóð mothers give birth to live offspring, who enter the world with a connection to their Blóðsuga lineage already established.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fyrstblóð infants exhibit a faster rate of growth compared to Maðr, reaching adolescence in a fraction of the time it takes for humans. During childhood and adolescence, they experience a gradual awakening of their Blóðsuga abilities, such as heightened senses and a connection to the night. However, it's during adolescence that they experience a significant transformation, manifesting their full range of Blóðsuga powers. As adults, they age at an exceptionally slow rate, effectively becoming immortal, and they won't die of old age. Instead, they can potentially live for millennia, with elder Fyrstblóð becoming revered figures within Blóðsuga communities, offering guidance and wisdom. Despite their immortality, they must regularly consume blood or other life sources to sustain themselves, and going too long without sustenance can lead to their demise.

Ecology and Habitats

The Blóðsuga thrive in the optimal habitat of the Darkwood Forest. This ancient, densely wooded realm, perpetually cloaked in night, provides the perfect environment for these nocturnal and supernatural beings. Towering trees form a natural canopy, filtering moonlight through their leaves and casting an eerie, ethereal glow throughout the forest. Blóðsuga have established hidden sanctuaries within the Darkwood, transforming crypts and caverns into their lairs. These secluded locations offer protection from the harshness of daylight and shield them from the prying eyes of outsiders.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Blóðsuga rely on a variety of sources to sustain their dietary needs, emphasizing larger animals, willing donors, and the concept of "Life Reservoirs." In addition to targeting larger animals like deer and wolves within the Darkwood Forest, they maintain relationships with willing donors who offer their blood without being drained. These donors form strong bonds with their Blóðsuga counterparts, considering it an honor to contribute to their survival. In civilized Blóðsuga communities, the establishment of "Life Reservoirs" ensures a steady and sustainable source of nourishment. In some situations the act of donating blood may even become addicting for the donor and they may suffer withdrawls if separated from their counterpart for too long.


Behavior Towards Members of Their Own Species:
Within the Blóðsuga society, members of their own species exhibit a strong sense of camaraderie and clan loyalty. They form close-knit covens or clans where knowledge is shared, protection is provided, and age-old traditions are upheld. These communities foster deep bonds among Blóðsuga, who support each other through the unique challenges of their existence. Hierarchies may emerge within these clans, often based on age, experience, or power, and while respect for the elders is customary, power struggles can occasionally disrupt the harmony. Nevertheless, mentorship and training are common, with older Blóðsuga guiding younger members to help them control their supernatural abilities and instincts, ensuring the preservation of Blóðsuga traditions. Blóðsuga are much more likely to open up to other Blóðsuga, with other races it may take more time to trust someone enough with more personal information.

Behavior Towards Predators:
In the presence of potential predators and supernatural threats, Blóðsuga exhibit cautious vigilance. They rely on their heightened senses and supernatural abilities to remain hidden and protect their communities. Confrontation with predators is avoided whenever possible, with Blóðsuga choosing stealth and evasion as their primary means of survival. Their ability to disappear into shadows and transform into bats or mist grants them the advantage of remaining elusive and avoiding direct conflicts with threats from the supernatural world. When confronted with danger, they will enter a state of rage to protect themselves that they may not recognize any fellowships around them if they are not other Blóðsuga.

Behavior Towards Prey Species:
The Blóðsuga typically do not adhere to a "take only what is needed" philosophy when it comes to their non-donor prey. Instead, they take their fill, ensuring they satisfy their dietary requirements while maintaining a delicate balance to avoid depleting their food supply. They are adept at gauging the health of their prey populations within the Darkwood Forest and adapt their hunting practices accordingly. This responsible approach ensures that their prey species can recover and continue to be a viable food source in the future.

Blóðsuga, known for their charm and allure, sometimes employ their natural charisma to establish relationships with sapient prey who may become willing donors. They can be flirtatious and enchanting, often leading their donors to believe that there is a deeper connection between them. While for the Blóðsuga, this behavior is generally a means to an end and doesn't carry serious romantic intent, donors may occasionally misinterpret their intentions. This dynamic can lead to misunderstandings, as the Blóðsuga may need to replace donors after a certain period due to these misconceptions.

Despite the potential for misunderstandings, these relationships between Blóðsuga and sapient donors can be mutually beneficial. Donors are treated with respect and care, and in return, they play a vital role in sustaining the Blóðsuga community. It is a delicate balance that the Blóðsuga must navigate, ensuring they maintain a reliable source of nourishment while preserving the emotional well-being of their donors.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Blóðsuga society is intricately woven with a complex social structure, influenced by their unique nature and the supernatural environment they inhabit. At its core, Blóðsuga society revolves around clans and covens, serving as their primary social units. Clans, often led by elder or more powerful members, offer a sense of community and shared identity. Hierarchy within these groups can be based on age, experience, or power, with respect for elders being a common trait. Covens, on the other hand, may form for specific purposes, such as magical studies, protection, or hunting, and their memberships can be fluid.

Mentorship and apprenticeship hold a pivotal role in Blóðsuga society. Older, more experienced Blóðsuga often serve as mentors to younger generations, passing down knowledge, traditions, and the means to control their supernatural abilities. This mentorship not only ensures the preservation of Blóðsuga culture but also fosters a responsible approach to hunting and feeding. Within these communities, individuals with greater power and influence may emerge due to their age, experience, or supernatural abilities, often assuming leadership roles during times of crisis or decision-making. However, power dynamics can sometimes lead to rivalries and internal conflicts. Central to their social structure is the imperative of secrecy, as Blóðsuga communities prioritize concealing their existence from mortals and supernatural threats. They often reside in hidden sanctuaries, ancient crypts, or remote locations, utilizing their supernatural abilities to remain concealed from prying eyes. The need for secrecy shapes their social interactions and relations with the outside world, fostering a sense of mystery and intrigue. Periodic gatherings during Blood Moons, occurring once every 25 years, are of great significance, providing opportunities for Blóðsuga to renew bonds, share knowledge, and create the Moon's Blood Elixir. These events can be both a source of camaraderie and contention, as different factions within the Blóðsuga community vie for power or control over their destinies. In essence, the Blóðsuga's social structure is characterized by its intricacy, blending hierarchy, mentorship, and the imperative of secrecy within a society shaped by supernatural abilities and the perpetual struggle with their innate nature, rendering their social dynamics multifaceted and enigmatic in the world of Midgarden.

Facial characteristics

The Blóðsuga possess a captivating array of facial characteristics and features that set them apart as enigmatic beings. Their mesmerizing eyes, often in shades of crimson, deep violet, or luminescent silver, draw individuals into their grasp. Delicate, slightly pointed noses and high cheekbones accentuate their elegant facial structure, while full, inviting lips, sometimes with darker hues like deep crimson or plum, enhance their charismatic charm. Their pale, flawless skin, often described as porcelain-like, contrasts strikingly with their eyes and adds to their ethereal aura. A sharp, well-defined jawline and the presence of pointy ears, reminiscent of bats, complete their distinctive appearance, contributing to their allure and enigmatic presence.

Average Intelligence

Blóðsuga are generally characterized by their heightened intelligence, which is often above average compared to the Maðr. Their extended lifespans and the wisdom that comes with age contribute to their intellectual capabilities. Additionally, their keen senses, supernatural abilities, and access to unique knowledge within their Blóðsuga communities further enhance their intelligence.

Blóðsuga excel in various domains, including arcane lore, herbalism, and the understanding of the mystical properties of their habitat. They are skilled strategists, adapting to the challenges posed by their existence as both predators and protectors. However, intelligence can vary among individuals, and some Blóðsuga may focus their intellect on specific areas of expertise, such as magical arts or diplomacy, depending on their roles within their communities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptional Low-Light Vision: Blóðsuga have excellent vision in low-light conditions, allowing them to see clearly even in near darkness. Their eyes are adapted to perceive a broader spectrum of light, making them highly efficient night hunters.
Hypersensitive Hearing: Blóðsuga possess heightened hearing, which allows them to detect even the faintest of sounds. They can hear heartbeats, the rustling of leaves, and the softest whispers, making them adept at tracking and eavesdropping.
Echolocation: In their bat form, Blóðsuga can use echolocation to navigate and locate objects in complete darkness. They emit high-pitched sounds beyond the range of human hearing and interpret the echoes that bounce back, creating a mental map of their surroundings.
Enhanced Olfactory Perception: Blóðsuga have a keen sense of smell, which aids them in tracking prey and identifying individuals by their unique scents. They can detect changes in blood chemistry and emotions through scent cues.
Psionic Powers: A select few Blóðsuga possess psionic abilities, which allow them to communicate telepathically, project their thoughts, or manipulate the minds of others. These powers are rare but can be honed through rigorous training.
Blood Sense: Blóðsuga have a unique ability to sense the presence and quality of blood nearby. This sense helps them identify potential sources of nourishment and allows them to discern the health and vitality of individuals by the scent and taste of their blood.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Blóðsuga interact with other species in a complex and varied manner, often influenced by their own needs and their role within different communities. In civilizations or settlements where Blóðsuga coexist with mortals or sapient species, their relationships tend to be symbiotic. They establish mutually beneficial arrangements, with willing donors providing them sustenance in exchange for protection, knowledge, or other forms of assistance. These donors are treated with care and respect, fostering strong bonds between the Blóðsuga and their donors. In these scenarios, the Blóðsuga ensure that their presence remains discreet, allowing them to maintain the secrecy of their existence while fostering positive relationships within their chosen communities.

However, in more remote or predatory Blóðsuga communities, their interactions with other species may lean towards parasitic. In these cases, Blóðsuga may target individuals from other species, often with the intent of feeding without consent or reciprocity. These predatory behaviors can result in misunderstandings and conflict, as other species may view the Blóðsuga as malevolent beings. The Blóðsuga in these communities are usually more secretive and cautious, relying on their supernatural abilities to remain hidden from those who might threaten their existence. The balance between symbiotic and parasitic interactions among Blóðsuga depends on the community's values, their need for secrecy, and their approach to coexisting with other species in the world of Midgarden.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions among the Blóðsuga are deeply rooted in their culture and hold significant importance, primarily observed for those born as Fyrstblóð. They receive two-part names that serve as a reflection of their lineage and birthright. The first part of their name often pays homage to their parents or, in certain cases, their progenitor, carrying references to darkness, night, or celestial elements that symbolize their divine origin. The second part of their name adds a descriptive element, which can encompass aspects of their appearance, personality traits, or unique abilities. This dual-naming tradition serves to distinguish and celebrate the individuality of each Fyrstblóð while emphasizing their sacred connection to Myrkurnótt, creating a powerful and deeply meaningful naming ritual within Blóðsuga society.

In contrast, Dökkblóð naming traditions are less structured and elaborate. They often retain their original names, or some may choose to adopt new names that better reflect their altered identity or the experiences they undergo as Blóðsuga. While the naming customs for Dökkblóð may be less formalized, they still represent a significant transition in their lives, marking their entry into the enigmatic world of the Blóðsuga.

Major Organizations

The Nightshade Coven: The Nightshade Coven is one of the most prominent and influential Blóðsuga covens. Led by the enigmatic Lysandra Nocturna, they are known for their emphasis on controlling their darker instincts and coexisting with mortals. They actively engage in protecting and guiding their local mortal communities, all while keeping their true nature hidden. This coven is dedicated to maintaining the balance between their supernatural existence and the mortal world.

The Order of Myrkurnótt: A secretive and ancient organization, the Order of Myrkurnótt is devoted to the worship and veneration of the goddex Myrkurnótt, whom they believe to be the progenitor of the Blóðsuga. Their rituals and ceremonies are shrouded in mystery, and they often hold great influence within the Blóðsuga society. They are guardians of ancient texts and lore, seeking to uncover the divine secrets of their creation.

  The Shadowed Court: A faction of Blóðsuga who fully embrace their predatory nature, the Shadowed Court consists of ruthless hunters who prey on unsuspecting victims. They are known for their aggression and often operate in secrecy. This faction occasionally clashes with the Nightshade Coven due to their opposing philosophies.

  The Moonlight Society: A clandestine network that spans across Midgarden, the Moonlight Society is composed of Blóðsuga who have chosen to live among mortals while maintaining their hidden identities. They often form alliances with mortal organizations, using their supernatural abilities to further their agendas. They have significant influence in politics, economics, and the magical arts.

Beauty Ideals

Blóðsuga take great care in their attire, often favoring elegant and alluring clothing that complements their aesthetic. Deep, rich colors like deep reds, velvety blacks, and shades of night are commonly worn. Hairstyles among the Blóðsuga vary, but they often favor long, flowing hair, sometimes styled in intricate braids or adorned with dark, mystical accessories. Hair color can range from raven black to deep burgundy or silvery white. Some Blóðsuga choose to adorn their bodies with luminescent runes, intricate tattoos, or subtle, magical markings. These symbols often hold personal or cultural significance and enhance their mystique.

Courtship Ideals

Blóðsuga courtship commences with enchanting and intellectually stimulating conversations, where they employ their wit and intelligence to captivate potential partners with discussions ranging from history and the supernatural realm to the mysteries of the cosmos. Their courtship is further adorned with romantic gestures, as they surprise their would-be companions with cherished gifts, such as rare books, mystical relics, or personally crafted keepsakes. A distinctive facet of Blóðsuga courtship is the intimate act of sharing blood, a symbol of trust and vulnerability that signifies their readiness to share their essence and immortality. Moonlit strolls beneath the celestial canopy are a cherished tradition, allowing Blóðsuga to revel in the serenity of the night. Additionally, the hierarchical structure within their society may necessitate that courtship be overseen or approved by the coven leader, adding a layer of complexity to their romantic pursuits.

Relationship Ideals

Blóðsuga, being immortal beings, often seek enduring and eternal bonds in their relationships. They value the idea of companionship that will last for centuries, if not eternity. Communication and mutual understanding are paramount in Blóðsuga relationships. They value partners who can empathize with their struggles, both with their predatory instincts and their immortality. Blóðsuga often have a penchant for romance, cherishing moments of passion and intimacy. They are known to create elaborate and seductive gestures to express their affection. Relationship structures can vary among the Blóðsuga. While some may prefer monogamous relationships, others may engage in polyamory or open relationships, with a focus on open communication and consent.

Average Technological Level

The Blóðsuga's contribution to the technological growth of Midgarden is a unique blend of mysticism and innovation. While they primarily rely on ancient magical practices and supernatural abilities, they have also developed a range of instruments and tools that intertwine magic with practicality. Their mastery of runecraft, alchemy, and enchantment has led to the creation of mystical artifacts and devices, such as magical compasses for navigation through the mystical realms, scrying mirrors for divination, and enchanting musical instruments that resonate with their ethereal melodies. Because of their long lives and ability to continue research over centuries they are a large contributor to advancement.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Blóðsuga, while adept in the Common Tongue of Midgarden, possess a unique language of their own, known as "Skuggatungumál" or "Shadow Tongue." Skuggatungumál is a melodious and mysterious language that reflects the ethereal and enigmatic nature of the Blóðsuga. It is characterized by fluid, whispered sounds and intricate, flowing scripts that are often written in deep crimson ink on parchment made from rare and mystical materials.

Skuggatungumál serves both practical and mystical purposes within their society. It is used for complex incantations, ancient rituals, and the inscription of powerful runes. In addition to spoken words, the language incorporates subtle gestures, making it a multidimensional form of communication. Skuggatungumál is passed down through generations and remains an integral part of Blóðsuga culture, shrouded in the secrecy and allure that define their existence. It is a language that encapsulates the essence of their supernatural world, allowing them to communicate with a level of nuance and depth beyond that of mortal tongues. In addition to its practical and mystical applications, Skuggatungumál, the unique language of the Blóðsuga, also finds expression in the realm of art and culture. Some of the most hauntingly beautiful and melodious songs ever sung in Midgarden are composed and performed in Skuggatungumál. These songs resonate with ethereal melodies that seem to transcend the mortal world, carrying with them a profound sense of melancholy, longing, and the mysteries of the night.

Common Dress Code

The Blóðsuga possess a distinctive dress code that befits their eerie elegance and supernatural allure, characterized by a fusion of dark, enigmatic aesthetics and meticulous attention to detail. Their attire is a testament to their otherworldly nature, a reflection of a bygone era where manners and decorum held great significance.

Clothing choices are made with utmost care, featuring luxurious fabrics such as velvets, silks, and satin, which gracefully drape over their tall, slender figures. These garments are adorned with intricate lacework, delicate ruffles, and meticulous embroidery, predominantly in deep, rich hues like obsidian and crimson, symbolizing the night and the essence of blood. Lunaweave fabric is considered a luxury item, with only the most skilled weavers able to create it from the elusive Moonstrand Silk, which is intricately connected to the moon goddess. The addition of Lunaweave garments further enhances the Blóðsuga's ethereal and enchanting appearance, cementing their status as beings of supernatural allure and mystique.

Accessories play a vital role in their enigmatic appearance, with ornate jewelry being a common sight. These jewelry pieces often incorporate silver or dark gemstones and include intricately designed chokers, fingerless gloves, and brooches adorned with mystical symbols, all designed to enhance their presence.

Blóðsuga hairstyles are expertly styled to accentuate their allure, with flowing locks that cascade in waves or curls down their backs. Hairpins and combs, embedded with enchanted gems emitting a subtle, otherworldly glow, are frequently used to enhance their mystique. They may also adorn their hair with small daggars.

Footwear is both stylish and functional, with the Blóðsuga often opting for elegant, heeled boots or shoes that facilitate a graceful and slightly ethereal gait. The soles of their footwear may be magically reinforced for added comfort during nocturnal activities.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Within the enigmatic culture of the Blóðsuga, the union of souls is known as Nóttförbindning. This intricate custom commences with a proposal, a deeply intimate event orchestrated under the moon's watchful gaze. The proposal often involves a secluded, moonlit rendezvous, where the betrothed exchange blood, symbolizing their readiness to merge their immortal essence.

The commitment is further sealed with the exchange of exquisite pendants, each carrying a piece of moonstrand. These pendants are crafted specifically for this sacred purpose, symbolizing their inseparable union and their connection to the night.

Nóttförbindning culminates in a lavish ceremony, guided by the coven leader or an esteemed elder. Amidst enchanting incantations, they recite vows of eternal love and fidelity. Their hands, intertwined and adorned with the pendants, are bound with a moonstrand ribbon, signifying their commitment. The couple then exchanges a weapon, a symbol of protection and trust in their shared journey. The coven leader invokes the blessings of Myrkurnótt and the ancient gods, securing their divine favor.

Post-ceremony, a grand feast ensues, featuring the consumption of the revered "Moon's Blood Elixir," crafted from transformed Dreamweave Silkflowers. This elixir amplifies their powers and connection. The celebration continues with mesmerizing dances and music, portraying the couple's journey and divine ties. These rituals are integral to the Blóðsuga culture, emphasizing their eternal love and connection to the night.

As part of Nóttförbindning, a unique tradition known as the "Blood Bond Renewal" takes place. Annually, on their union's anniversary, the couple revisits the sacred site where they first bound their fates. There, amidst moonlight, they reaffirm their vows, fortify their blood bond, and reflect on their enduring love.

These unions are celebrated with extravagant parties hosted by the coven leader. Dances and music hold a central place in these gatherings, representing Blóðsuga culture's deep ties to their mystical heritage. The dances, graceful and ethereal, narrate stories from their history, evoking the spirits of their ancestors and honoring their divine connection to Myrkurnótt. These parties serve as both social events and opportunities for the coven leader to impart wisdom and guidance, ensuring the preservation of their traditions and the continuation of their supernatural way of life.

Common Taboos

Blóðsuga are well aware of the fear and superstition that surrounds their kind among mortals. It is strictly taboo to reveal their true nature to unsuspecting humans unless it is a matter of life or death. Doing so can have severe consequences not only for the individual Blóðsuga but for their entire coven or clan, as it may attract unwanted attention and hostility from mortal society.

The Moon's Blood Elixir, crafted from Dreamweave Silkflowers during a Blood Moon, is a precious and vital resource in Blóðsuga culture. It is strictly taboo to waste or disrespect this elixir in any way. It is used for sustenance during times of scarcity and holds deep cultural significance. Mishandling or squandering the elixir is seen as a betrayal of their heritage.


The history of the Blóðsuga is marked by divine origins and pivotal moments that have shaped their existence. According to their beliefs, the goddex Myrkurnótt played a central role in their creation. On the longest night of the year in the year 375, Month Myrkwinter, Myrkurnótt's divine intervention brought forth the first Blóðsuga, a woman named Lysandra Nocturna. Myrkurnótt, whose name translates to "dark night" in the ancient tongue, embodies the concept of death and the enigmatic darkness that surrounds it. Lysandra's transformation into a Blóðsuga marked the genesis of their kind and symbolized the intricate duality of their existence—balancing newfound predatory instincts with supernatural abilities bestowed by their divine creator.

Another significant event occurred in the year 450, Month Stjarnblad, during the first Blood Moon event with the Dreamweave Silkflower. Lysandra, guided by yet another divine vision from Myrkurnótt, discovered the flower's potent properties and learned how to use it to create potions that could enhance their powers and sustain them without the need for blood consumption. The Moon's Blood Elixir, created from the transformed petals of the Dreamweave Silkflower, became a vital lifeline for the Blóðsuga during times of scarcity and assumed significant cultural importance in their society.

As time passed, Lysandra's own journey took an unexpected turn when her beloved, an Álfar named Elysia, fell gravely ill and faced imminent death. Desperate for a way to save her lover, Lysandra turned to Myrkurnótt in prayer. In a divine vision granted to her during this trying period, Lysandra received guidance on how to change Elysia, thereby transforming her into a Blóðsuga and granting her immortality. This profound revelation marked a pivotal moment in their history and led to Lysandra's discovery that she possessed the power to create others like herself. Over time, she transformed a select few individuals she encountered, and together, they formed the first Blóðsuga coven. This momentous event took place in the year 487.

Historical Figures

Revered as the first Blóðsuga, Lysandra Nocturna is a central figure in their history. Created by the goddex Myrkurnótt on the longest night of the year during the year 375, month Myrkwinter, her transformation marked the beginning of their kind. Lysandra's love story, discovery of her transformative abilities, and her founding of the first Blóðsuga coven are the stuff of legend.

A legendary warrior among the Blóðsuga, Vígi Skarpr is known for mastering the control of his predatory instincts. He became a Night Sentinel, protecting mortals from malevolent supernatural forces. His legacy serves as an inspiration to Blóðsuga who strive to balance their darker nature with acts of nobility and protection.

A renowned alchemist and scholar in Blóðsuga history, Drakulja Mørk made significant contributions to their knowledge of blood-based magic and the creation of elixirs. She is credited with refining the Moon's Blood Elixir, which sustains the Blóðsuga during times of scarcity. Her meticulous research and experimentation continue to influence their magical practices.

An explorer and diplomat in Blóðsuga history, Eikthrúðr played a pivotal role in establishing peaceful relations with neighboring supernatural communities. Her diplomatic efforts helped forge alliances that protected Blóðsuga interests and ensured their survival in a world filled with danger and intrigue.

A visionary philosopher and poet, Kaldraun Stjarnvandar is celebrated for his lyrical works that explore the existential and mystical aspects of Blóðsuga existence. His poetry and philosophy have become integral to Blóðsuga culture, inspiring introspection and contemplation among their kind.

A gifted artisan and Lunaweave fabric weaver, Ástríðr Sjávarblóm is renowned for her exquisite craftsmanship. She contributed significantly to the production of Lunaweave garments, preserving this mystical tradition for future generations and solidifying the importance of Moonstrand Silk in Blóðsuga culture.

Common Myths and Legends

Throughout their long and enigmatic history, the Blóðsuga have cultivated a rich tapestry of myths and legends that continue to shape their culture and worldview. One such legend tells of the origin of their kind, attributing it to the goddex Myrkurnótt, the deity of darkness and night. According to this myth, the first Blóðsuga, Lysandra Nocturna, was created by Myrkurnótt on the longest night of the year during the year 375, month Myrkwinter. Lysandra's transformation into a Blóðsuga marked the beginning of their kind, and her story is revered as a testament to the goddex's power.

Another prevalent legend revolves around the Dreamweave Silkflower and the Blood Moon. Blóðsuga believe that during a Blood Moon, the Dreamweave Silkflower undergoes a transformation, turning its petals from luminous pearl white to a vibrant velvety red. This celestial event is considered sacred, as it is believed to be a manifestation of Myrkurnótt's blessings. The Blóðsuga harvest the transformed flowers to create the "Moon's Blood Elixir," which sustains them and enhances their powers. The legend teaches the importance of embracing the cycles of the night and the divine gifts bestowed upon them.

It is widely believed among mortals that Blóðsuga are vulnerable to sunlight, bursting into flames or turning to dust upon exposure. In truth, while Blóðsuga may be more comfortable under the cover of night, some can move about during the day, albeit with some discomfort due to their heightened sensitivity to light. Many mortals believe that Blóðsuga possess the ability to hypnotize and control their victims with their mesmerizing eyes and enchanting aura. While Blóðsuga do have a certain charm, this myth exaggerates their influence over mortals, leading to unfounded fears and superstitions. Some of the more powerful Blóðsuga may possess such powers.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In the complex tapestry of Blóðsuga culture, interspecies relationships are viewed through a nuanced lens. Blóðsuga, with their immortal and supernatural nature, have a unique perspective on other sapient species inhabiting Midgarden. They often approach these relationships with a sense of curiosity and cautious intrigue. While they maintain a degree of separation due to their secret existence and the potential risks involved in revealing their true nature, Blóðsuga have been known to form alliances and interactions with select individuals from various species, especially when mutual interests align.

The transformation of individuals into Dökkblóð, the made Blóðsuga, opens up the possibility of intermingling between Blóðsuga and other races. This unique dynamic can result in profound connections and alliances that transcend the boundaries of species. However, it is primarily among the Fyrstblóð, the original Blóðsuga race, that a certain exclusivity in relationships is observed. Fyrstblóð often prefer to mate within their own kind to preserve their lineage, culture, and unique supernatural traits. Nevertheless, exceptions do exist, with some Fyrstblóð forming relationships with individuals from other races, resulting in hybrid offspring who navigate the complexities of their dual heritage in a world filled with intrigue, magic, and hidden truths. There are also some Fyrstblóð turned by Lysandra that were a variety of races, so it is not too uncommon.
Scientific Name
Order: Chiroptera (for their ability to transform into bats) Family: Vampyridae Genus: Blóðsuga
Average Height
1.73 - 1.93 meters (5'8" - 6'4")
Average Weight
60-80 kg (132 - 176 lbs)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Blóðsuga exhibit a diverse range of body tint coloring and markings, which add to their enigmatic allure and reflect their supernatural nature. Their skin tones can vary between cool gray hues, which lend an ethereal and mysterious aura, and warm gray shades, offering a softer, more inviting appeal. Pearlescent skin, with its subtle shimmer and iridescence, further enhances their otherworldly beauty. In contrast, some Blóðsuga possess onyx or deep black skin tones, similar to that of the night sky. These dark hues often create a striking contrast with their captivating eye colors.

Alongside their distinctive skin tones, Blóðsuga may have markings that hold cultural or symbolic significance. Luminescent runes, intricate and radiant, may grace their bodies, representing their connection to celestial forces or ancient rituals. Others may bear vine-like patterns or thorned motifs, reminiscent of the flora in the Darkwood Forest and symbolizing their deep bond with their habitat. These body tint colors and markings contribute to the Blóðsuga's unique and captivating appearance, further emphasizing their enigmatic presence in the world of Midgarden.
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