Myrkurnótt (MEER-kur-not)

Divine Weaver (a.k.a. Myra)

Goddex of death, mother of Blóðsuga. "Myrkur" means dark or black, and "nótt" means night, embodying the concept of death and the mysterious darkness that surrounds it. While generally female presenting they can change their gender at will.

Divine Domains

Myrkurnótt, as the divine embodiment of death and the night, oversees the cycles of life's end and the darkness that envelops the world at dusk. Within the realm of death, the Twilight Veil, they guide souls and maintain the balance of mortality and the realms beyond. In the night, Myrkurnótt commands the shadowy hours, sleep's embrace, and the mysteries hidden under the celestial canopy. Their domain extends beyond oblivion to include rest and renewal found in the quiet darkness, embodying the transitions of existence with solace and contemplation.


Myrkurnótt is associated with several revered artifacts and unique attributes. Among these, the "Eclipsed Dagger" stands out as a symbol of their power. This spectral dagger is said to be crafted from the essence of twilight and can sever the ties of life with a mere touch, guiding souls to their final rest. Another prominent attribute is the "Crown of Shadows," a diadem that rests atop Myrkurnótt's head, adorned with shimmering star-like gems that represent the constellations in the night sky. It grants them profound knowledge of the cosmos and the ability to traverse between the realms of the living and the dead.

Furthermore, Myrkurnótt's presence is often heralded by a celestial phenomenon known as the "Nocturnal Eclipse." During this event, the moon takes on a deep, velvety hue, and the stars shimmer with an otherworldly brilliance, casting an ethereal glow across the land. This eclipse is seen as a sign of their watchful eye over the realms of death and the night.

In addition to these artifacts, Myrkurnótt possesses the "Veil of Truth," a delicate, gossamer-thin veil woven from threads of starlight. This veil is used by the Goddex to reveal a person's truest self, displaying their entire life in intricate patterns of light and shadow. When someone passes into the afterlife, they must pass through this veil. The patterns it weaves tell the story of their existence, and Myrkurnótt uses this information to determine the worth of their soul and its ultimate destination in the realms of the Twilight Veil. This sacred ritual symbolizes the Goddex's role as the guardian of both the night and the transition between life and death.

Holy Books & Codes

In the moonlit realm of Myrkurnótt, the faithful have penned sacred texts and codes that serve as guiding stars through the obsidian skies of their belief system. At the heart of their spiritual journey lies the "Eclipse Codex," a comprehensive tome that unravels the mysteries of death, the night, and the ethereal transition between the realms. Within its pages, believers find profound insights into the concept of twilight as a metaphor for the passage from life to death. It teaches the delicate art of navigating the threshold between worlds with reverence and humility. The codex's illuminated verses detail the intricate rituals, customs, and the philosophy that comprise Myrkurnótt's faith, offering a celestial map for the soul's journey.

Accompanying this central scripture are the "Stellar Hymns," a collection of melodic psalms and verses. These hymns are the whispered prayers of devotees, echoing through shadowed sanctuaries, celebrating the stars as the eternal keepers of departed souls. They elevate the heart and guide the mind, channeling the faithful's meditative reflections into a harmonious communion with the night.

Among the holy texts stands the "Shadow Chronicles," a treasury of parables and historical accounts. These tales illuminate the significance of virtuous living and recount the radiant destinies that await those who embrace Myrkurnótt's teachings. Through stories of significant souls who have embarked on their twilight journeys, the Chronicles inspire the faithful to live virtuously, finding solace in the promise of the night.

Lastly, hidden within the sanctum of esoteric wisdom, the "Twilight Scrolls" are revered by the clergy and scholars alike. These enigmatic scrolls delve into the celestial riddles and metaphysical messages, weaving a tapestry of divine connection between the night's phenomena and the Goddex's will.

Together, these sacred texts form the celestial constellations that guide Myrkurnótt's faithful on their spiritual voyage. The "Eclipse Codex," "Stellar Hymns," "Shadow Chronicles," and "Twilight Scrolls" serve as the stars that light the path to enlightenment, offering insights into the mysteries of the night, the celestial tapestry, and the transition from mortal life to eternal rest. Through these texts, the followers of Myrkurnótt find solace and illumination in the ever-expansive embrace of the night.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

In the ethereal realm of Myrkurnótt, the divine symbols and sigils are the keys that unlock the secrets of the night, granting insight into the mysteries of the transition from life to death. At the heart of these sacred icons lies the "Veil of Shadows," an intricate, lace-like veil woven from moonstrand silk, shimmering with a cool, silvery luminescence. This veil is draped over altars and shrouds, symbolizing the celestial tapestry that separates the realms of the living and the dead. Adorned with starry patterns, it represents the delicate balance between light and darkness, life and death. In binding ceremonies, such as Nóttförbindning, an exquisite veil is gracefully draped over the heads of the two partners, enveloping them in its silken embrace. It is a symbol of the profound connection they are about to forge, signifying that they will bare their souls to one another, revealing their deepest desires, fears, and vulnerabilities.

Another potent symbol is the "Eternal Crescent," a symbol of the moon in the form of a delicate, silver crescent moon. This crescent is often worn as a pendant by Myrkurnótt's clergy and devoted followers, signifying their eternal connection to the night and the Goddex's divine grace. It is a mark of devotion, symbolizing their unwavering faith in the tranquil embrace of twilight.

In secret chambers and clandestine gatherings, the "Shadowed Eye" is etched upon the walls and concealed in the artwork. This symbol represents the watchful gaze of Myrkurnótt, observing the souls of the living as they traverse the shadowed path towards the afterlife. It reminds believers of the ever-present connection between the divine and the mortal, urging them to lead virtuous lives.

Lastly, the "Abyssal Rose" serves as a powerful emblem in Myrkurnótt's faith. This dark, velvety rose is often associated with the Goddex's compassion for the departed. It is a symbol of solace, representing the blossoming of souls into the night's tender care. This emblem is commonly found in funerary rites, offering a message of hope and renewal to those left behind.

The divine symbols of the Goddex Myrkurnótt prominently feature foxes, revered for their mystical connection to the realms beyond. In legends, it is believed that foxes possess the unique ability to find hidden portals leading to the enigmatic Twilight Veil, the realm of the dead presided over by Myrkurnótt. These foxes, known as "Veilseekers," are regarded as divine messengers, guiding souls on their journey to the afterlife. The fox, with its sleek and shadowy form, represents the bridge between the mortal world and the mysteries of the cosmos, embodying the Goddex's role as the guardian of the eternal cycle.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace the Night: Followers of Myrkurnótt believe that the darkness of night is not to be feared but embraced. They see the night as a time of introspection, renewal, and rebirth. It is during the night that the veil between the realms is thinnest, allowing for a deeper connection with the divine.
  2. Seek Inner Truth: Myrkurnótt's faith encourages individuals to delve into their own souls and confront their deepest truths and desires. It is through this self-exploration that followers can find wisdom and growth.
  3. Celebrate Life and Death: This faith recognizes the interconnectedness of life and death, viewing them as two sides of the same cosmic cycle. Followers are taught to respect all stages of existence and find beauty in the transitions between them.
  4. Honoring the Veil: The Veil of Shadows is a central symbol of Myrkurnótt's faith, representing the idea that true connection and understanding come from revealing one's authentic self. Followers are encouraged to wear the veil during significant life events and ceremonies.
  5. Community and Togetherness: Devotees of Myrkurnótt believe in the power of community and coming together in times of need. They support one another through life's challenges and celebrate each other's successes.
  6. Balance of Light and Darkness: Myrkurnótt's faith teaches that both light and darkness are essential forces in the universe. Balance is key, and followers are encouraged to find harmony in their lives by recognizing and honoring both aspects.


In the realm of Midgarden, there exists a unique and sacred holiday known as Myra's Night, celebrated during the 13th month known as Myrkwinter, is a sacred occasion dedicated to Myrkurnótt. This night marks the darkest point of the year, both literally and symbolically. Myras Night is a time of reflection, when followers gather to honor the Night Goddex and contemplate the mysteries of life, death, and the afterlife. Candles and lanterns are lit to ward off the darkness, and ceremonies are held at temples and sacred sites. It's a time for meditation, divination, and connecting with the spiritual realm. Followers often wear veils or dark-colored attire during the celebrations, symbolizing their willingness to embrace the mysteries Myrkurnótt reveals.

As the world is veiled in the deep embrace of winter, Myra's Night becomes a time for mortals to gather in reverence. It is a night when people light candles and gather around roaring bonfires, casting their own individual shadows upon the world. The symbolism of light against the darkness is deeply profound during this holiday, signifying the dual nature of existence—the ever-constant interplay between light and shadow.

Devotees of Myrkurnótt come together to celebrate the beauty found within the night, embracing the tranquility and mysteries it holds. It is a time for reflection, where individuals contemplate their own inner shadows, acknowledging the aspects of themselves they may have concealed. It is also a time for introspection, as followers seek to uncover the hidden truths within their own souls, guided by the divine presence of the Goddex.

As the darkest night gradually gives way to the dawn of a new day, Myra's Night serves as a reminder of the eternal cycle of light and darkness, life and death. It is a holiday that nurtures a deep connection to the divine, encouraging individuals to find solace and inspiration in the quiet moments of the night, to better understand their place in the cosmic dance of existence.

The Sanguine Solstice is a unique holiday celebrated exclusively by the Blóðsuga. It occurs during the height of the blood moon, a phenomenon closely tied to their existence. This holiday marks a time of unity and renewal among the Blóðsuga. It begins with a ceremonial blood pact, where Blóðsuga gather in a sacred location and willingly offer a small amount of their blood to be mixed together in a symbolic chalice. This act reaffirms their connection as a coven and strengthens their shared bond.

Throughout the Sanguine Solstice, the Blóðsuga engage in various rituals and activities. They may engage in nocturnal hunts, guided by the ethereal glow of the blood moon, to commune with their primal instincts and celebrate their unique abilities. Traditional dances under the moonlight are performed, and feasts featuring rare and exotic blood-infused delicacies are shared among the coven members.

The Sanguine Solstice is a time for the Blóðsuga to honor their heritage and embrace their nature while reinforcing the bonds of their coven. It serves as a reminder of their unity and the strength that comes from their connection to Myrkurnótt.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Goddex Myrkurnótt, a divine entity both mysterious and enigmatic, has long held certain known and secret goals that intricately weave the tapestry of its divine influence upon the mortal realm. Among its known objectives, the Goddex seeks to kindle a spiritual awakening among mortals, encouraging them to embark on journeys of self-discovery and authenticity. Myrkurnótt's divine touch often arrives in the form of visions, dreams, or moments of clarity, guiding individuals toward embracing their true selves and finding purpose within the cosmic dance of existence.

A profound desire for balance and harmony prevails within the deity's known goals, with Myrkurnótt championing the intricate equilibrium between light and darkness, life and death. The Goddex fosters an understanding that all aspects of existence are interconnected, reminding mortals of their role in upholding this cosmic balance. Moreover, Myrkurnótt encourages a deep and personal connection with its followers, seeking to forge unbreakable bonds that transcend the boundaries of the mundane.

Yet, beneath the surface, hidden from the uninitiated, lie the secret goals of Myrkurnótt. Guarding the Veil of Shadows—the ethereal artifact used to assess the worthiness of souls in the afterlife—is a paramount objective. The deity diligently ensures the integrity of this sacred artifact, preventing any tampering or misuse that could disrupt the cosmic order. In the shadows, Myrkurnótt quietly intervenes to safeguard the balance, preventing any looming threat from plunging the world into chaos.

Unveiling hidden truths hidden within the hearts and minds of mortals is another clandestine ambition of the Goddex. Myrkurnótt guides individuals toward confronting these concealed realities, even when the journey is marked by discomfort and challenges. Lastly, the deity is a guardian of the night, preserving the sanctity of the darkness from any forces that seek to extinguish it. These secret goals, shrouded in the obscurity of the divine, guide the deity's interactions and steer the destiny of those who are touched by its divine presence.

Physical Description

Body Features

Myrkurnótt's androgynous beauty extends beyond their facial features and remains prominent in their overall body composition. Whether in their divine form or any other, they possess a slender and elegant physique. Their body carries an alluring grace, characterized by delicate curves and subtle muscular definition. Their skin, a radiant porcelain hue, is smooth and unblemished, with an ethereal glow that adds to their timeless appearance.

In their androgynous form, Myrkurnótt's body exhibits a harmonious balance of both masculine and feminine elements. Their chest is subtly contoured, suggesting both strength and grace, while their waist is gently tapered. Their limbs are long and slender, exuding an air of elegance and fluidity. This androgynous form allows them to seamlessly shift between genders or adopt any other desired physical shape with ease.

Facial Features

Myrkurnótt possesses an enigmatic and alluring visage, accentuated by their captivating amethyst eyes. Their facial features are gracefully sculpted, with a refined and timeless quality. High cheekbones lend an air of elegance to their countenance, while their nose is gently sloped and perfectly proportioned. Their lips, imbued with a subtle and mysterious allure, hold a natural, serene expression. The upper lip gracefully arches into a well-defined Cupid's bow, while the lower lip is slightly fuller, bestowing an intriguing and delicate balance to their face.

Identifying Characteristics

Certainly! A distinguishing feature that remains consistent across all forms of Myrkurnótt is their mesmerizing, amethyst-colored eyes. These ethereal, deep-purple orbs are a reflection of their divine nature and serve as an unmistakable signature, regardless of whether they take on a gender-fluid appearance, assume various animal forms, or become a mysterious mist. The radiant amethyst eyes captivate those who behold them, leaving an indelible impression of the deity's presence, making them instantly recognizable and memorable to all who encounter them.

Physical quirks

As a deity of twilight and the afterlife, they possess the extraordinary ability to change not only their gender at will but also to shapeshift into various animal forms or transform into a mysterious mist. This remarkable gift enables them to seamlessly transition between masculine and feminine appearances, take on the shapes of creatures that inhabit the mortal world or the Twilight Veil, and even become an elusive mist that can traverse the boundaries of existence.

Apparel & Accessories

Myrkurnótt's divine attire is a reflection of their dominion over the dark night and the realm of twilight. They don a flowing robe woven from shadow and starlight, which seems to shift and ripple like a pool of inky darkness studded with celestial gems. This robe shrouds their form, creating an aura of mystique around them.

Upon their brow, they wear a diadem adorned with moonstones and onyx, symbolizing the balance between night and day. This diadem serves as a channel for their divine powers and is a reminder of their eternal partnership with Ljósdagur, the Goddess of Light.

Specialized Equipment

The eternal dagger, a divine artifact crafted from the essence of twilight. Its obsidian-like blade seems to blend seamlessly with the surrounding darkness, and the runic engravings on its hilt pulse softly with a violet glow, signifying their connection to the realm of shadows.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur came into existence at the dawn of time, their divine forms materializing alongside one another in a field of the Twilight Veil. From the moment of their creation, they were aware of their cosmic roles and the intricate balance they had to maintain. Though they didn't initially set out to form an emotional connection, a profound bond between them developed over the eons. One of Ljósdagur's earliest acts was to gift Myrkurnótt two ethereal fox companions, Byr and Endir. Together, they embarked on the creation of their celestial palace, Vitrasyl, which was nestled within the ethereal tapestry of the Twilight Veil. This exquisite palace stood as a testament to their combined powers and shared purpose.   Myrkurnótt's divine duty was to oversee the transition of Ljósdagur's creations as they reached the end of their mortal existence. As the collector of souls, Myrkurnótt guided these spirits to the shadowy realm of the Veil, where their souls rested until the time came for their return to the living world or, should they choose, to remain within the comforting embrace of the Veil.   Driven by a desire to create like their counterpart, Myrkurnótt ventured to Midgarden, inspired by the wondrous creatures and beings that Ljósdagur had brought into existence. There, they crafted the Blóðsuga, a unique race capable of both embracing the night and celebrating the beauty of darkness. These immortal beings stood as a testament to Myrkurnótt's creativity and their longing to share in the act of creation.   Over countless ages, Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur's connection grew deeper, their roles intertwined in the delicate dance of existence. To each other, they became known as "Myra" and "Loos," nicknames that whispered of the unique, timeless bond between the Deities of night and day.

Gender Identity

In the divine realm, Myrkurnótt is neither male nor female, non-binary or gender-fluid; instead, they encompass the essence of all genders and none simultaneously. Their divine form is an ever-changing mosaic of identities, reflecting the diverse tapestry of existence. They embody the fluidity of gender, allowing them to relate to all beings on a profound level.


When it comes to matters of sexuality, Myrkurnótt's perspective is equally boundless. They perceive the intricacies of love, attraction, and desire without the limitations of mortal boundaries. Their divine nature transcends physicality, enabling them to connect with souls based on the profound depths of emotion and the intimate bonds formed in the tapestry of life and death.

Myrkurnótt's understanding of love encompasses all forms of affection, from the deep bonds of friendship to the passionate embrace of lovers. They recognize that love, like life and death, is a complex and multifaceted experience, and they embrace the diversity of love in all its forms.

Accomplishments & Achievements

From the very dawn of existence, they emerged as a sentinel of balance, tasked with maintaining the delicate harmony between life and death. Their most profound achievement lies in the creation of the Blóðsuga, a race immortal and unique, intricately tied to the night and blood. Through the Blóðsuga, Myrkurnótt has left an indelible mark on the world, shaping its history and destiny.

As the custodian of secrets hidden within the shadows, Myrkurnótt possesses unparalleled knowledge of mortal lives and the mysteries of the afterlife. They guide lost souls with compassion, ensuring that even in death, individuals find solace and a path to the Twilight Veil. This ethereal realm, a bridge between life and death, is under Myrkurnótt's vigilant watch, where they oversee the transition of souls to their rightful places in the afterlife.

Myrkurnótt's influence extends beyond the spiritual realm, touching the physical world itself. They are the bringer of the eternal night, gracing mortals with the serenity and beauty of nighttime. The stars, the moon, and the night sky all bear their divine touch, offering solace, inspiration, and a reminder of the cyclical nature of existence.

Above all, Myrkurnótt's greatest accomplishment is their role as a keeper of the cosmic balance. They labor in tandem with other deities, ensuring that the forces of creation and destruction remain in equilibrium. With unwavering dedication, they prevent chaos from consuming the universe, maintaining order in the grand design of existence. In the heart of the night, within every shadow, and at the cusp of every soul's journey, Myrkurnótt's presence and achievements shine brightly, guiding the cosmos toward harmony and purpose.

Intellectual Characteristics

With their timeless wisdom, Myrkurnótt comprehends the mortal psyche, delving into the depths of mortal minds to fathom the intricate tapestries of human emotions, fears, and hopes. Their insight into the human condition is profound, allowing them to guide souls through the eternal night with empathy and understanding.

Myrkurnótt's intelligence also extends to their grasp of cosmic forces and metaphysical phenomena. They navigate the intricate web of existence, maintaining the delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction. Their ability to foresee the consequences of actions, both divine and mortal, grants them unparalleled insight into the grand design of the universe.

Furthermore, Myrkurnótt's intellectual acumen is reflected in their capacity for divine diplomacy. They engage in cosmic negotiations with other deities, ensuring that the balance of power remains intact. Their diplomatic finesse and ability to broker cosmic agreements are essential for the preservation of universal harmony.

Morality & Philosophy

Myrkurnótt, the Goddex of Death, embodies a philosophy deeply rooted in the natural order of the universe. They adhere to a true neutral alignment, signifying their role as an impartial force in the cycle of life and death. Their morality is not guided by personal desires or emotions but is instead driven by the necessity of balance and transition.

Myrkurnótt believes that death is an essential part of existence, just as life is. They view the passing of souls as a transformative process, where they transition from one state to another, ultimately contributing to the cosmic balance. They do not judge the souls that come into their realm but instead guide them to their rightful place in the afterlife, whether it be a peaceful rest or another cycle of life.

Their philosophy revolves around the acceptance of the inevitable and the importance of embracing the natural flow of existence. They encourage mortals to live their lives fully, knowing that death is not an end but a transition to something beyond mortal comprehension. Myrkurnótt's followers often find solace in their teachings, as they focus on the acceptance of mortality and the understanding that death is not to be feared but embraced as an integral part of the universe's grand design.

Personality Characteristics


Myrkurnótt's motivations are deeply intertwined with their role as a guardian of souls and their partnership with Ljósdagur, the Goddess of Light. Their primary desire is to maintain the delicate balance between light and darkness, life and death, ensuring that existence continues to evolve and flourish harmoniously.

As the collector of souls, Myrkurnótt is dedicated to guiding the departed to the Twilight Veil, where they find solace and await their next journey. Their motivation lies in offering compassion and solace to the souls in their care, ensuring that each individual finds their rightful place in the grand cycle of existence.

In their interactions with the Blóðsuga, the race they created out of admiration for Ljósdagur's creations on Midgarden, Myrkurnótt's motivation is to nurture and guide these beings, helping them find their place in the world. They find fulfillment in witnessing the Blóðsuga flourish and evolve.

Myrkurnótt's ultimate goal is to maintain the balance, harmony, and eternal cycle of existence, ensuring that life and death are celebrated as essential parts of the same cosmic tapestry. This motivation guides their every action as they navigate the realms of twilight and dawn, serving as a steward of the delicate equilibrium between light and shadow.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

One of their remarkable savvies is their profound insight into the cycles of life and death, which allows them to smoothly navigate the intricate cosmic balance. They excel in understanding the complexities of existence, the journey of souls, and the mysteries of the universe, making them an unrivaled guide for those who traverse the realms.

However, Myrkurnótt's divine prowess is juxtaposed by an ineptitude in the realm of interpersonal communication, particularly in one-on-one interactions. They often struggle to decipher social cues and discern subtle sarcasm—a trait shared with some mortals.This challenge occasionally hinders their ability to connect intimately with individuals on a personal level. Nonetheless, their insights into the grand tapestry of existence remain unparalleled, making them a revered and enigmatic deity.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Cosmic Phenomena: Myrkurnótt has an insatiable fascination with the celestial wonders of the universe. They find solace in observing the dance of stars, the birth and death of galaxies, and the ethereal beauty of nebulae.
  • Twilight Moments: As the deity of the Twilight Veil, Myrkurnótt holds a deep appreciation for the transitional moments between day and night. They cherish the subtle, ever-shifting hues of the sky during these fleeting periods.
  • Reflection and Contemplation: Myrkurnótt often seeks solitude in the tranquil embrace of the Twilight Veil. In these moments of quiet reflection, they ponder the nature of existence and the mysteries of the cosmos.
  • Harmony in Balance: They find beauty in the equilibrium that exists between life and death, light and darkness. Myrkurnótt revels in maintaining this cosmic balance and guiding souls through their journey.
  • Connection with Ljósdagur: Their profound bond with the Goddess of Light, Ljósdagur, is a source of immense joy. They cherish their partnership and the unique connection they share.
  • Disruption of Balance: Myrkurnótt harbors a deep aversion to any force or entity that disrupts the delicate cosmic balance. They view such disturbances as affronts to the natural order.
  • Unjust Acts: Injustices and acts of cruelty deeply trouble Myrkurnótt. They abhor any actions that cause suffering to sentient beings, as it disrupts the harmony they strive to maintain.
  • Excessive Noise: The Goddex of the Twilight Veil values moments of quiet contemplation, and excessive noise or chaos can be grating to them.
  • Overly Boisterous Celebrations: They prefer subdued and solemn observances, finding excessive revelry and jubilation somewhat dissonant with their realm and nature.
  • Disrespect for Life: Myrkurnótt reveres the sanctity of life and death. Any disregard or disrespect for the souls that pass through their domain is met with disapproval.
  • Baseless Rudeness: They have little patience for rudeness without a justifiable reason and will call out when they witness such interactions. 

Virtues & Personality perks

Myrkurnótt, the enigmatic Goddex of the Twilight Veil, embodies a profound sense of balance and neutrality in their divine essence. As the eternal guardian of the transition between life and death, their wisdom runs deep, derived from countless eons spent observing the ceaseless cycle of existence. This profound understanding allows them to offer invaluable guidance to souls making their journey into the shadowy embrace of the realm of the dead.

One of Myrkurnótt's most remarkable strengths lies in their ability to shift between forms, seamlessly taking on the visage of animals or even transforming into a mist that shrouds the realms of both the living and the deceased. This fluidity grants them unmatched adaptability and versatility, facilitating their sacred duty as they traverse between the two worlds. Despite their divine nature, Myrkurnótt possesses a deep empathy for mortals, a testament to their unwavering connection to the mortal experience, which they observe with both compassion and solemnity. This unique combination of wisdom, adaptability, and empathy has endeared them to both mortal souls and fellow divine beings, granting Myrkurnótt a revered place in the pantheon of deities.

Vices & Personality flaws

Myrkurnótt, the Goddex of the Twilight Veil, bears a burden that transcends mere existence—a profound detachment from the world of emotion. Their divine nature, while bringing wisdom and balance, also distances them from the visceral experiences and emotions of living beings. This detachment often manifests as emotional aloofness, leading to a sense of isolation even among their divine peers.

One of their more challenging flaws is their struggle to comprehend the intricacies of human social interaction. Myrkurnótt's difficulty in understanding sarcasm, subtle cues, and nuanced emotional expressions can sometimes lead to awkward or misunderstood interactions, especially in one-on-one conversations. This disconnect from the subtleties of mortal communication can hinder their ability to connect with individuals on a deeply personal level, despite their innate desire to do so.

Personality Quirks

Myrkurnótt possesses several distinctive ticks and quirks that mirror their ethereal nature and centuries of existence. In conversation, they have a habit of gently shifting their form, causing their appearance to ripple subtly like a reflection in water. This is an involuntary response to the constant flux of energy within them, a testament to their divine nature.

When deep in thought or contemplating the mysteries of existence, Myrkurnótt often adopts a subtle, reflective expression, gazing into the distance with their otherworldly eyes. This can make them appear lost in contemplation, even in the midst of a conversation, as they navigate the currents of cosmic knowledge.

In moments of great wisdom or imparting profound insights, Myrkurnótt's voice takes on a harmonious and mesmerizing quality, resonating with a profound calmness that seems to transcend the mortal realm. This ethereal voice, combined with their occasional gestures, creates an atmosphere of spiritual reverence around them, further emphasizing their divine nature.


Myrkurnótt's hygiene, though unique for a deity, reflects their otherworldly essence. Being a Goddex of night and shadows, they exude a faint, sweet scent akin to night-blooming flowers. This subtle, enchanting aroma is often associated with the twilight hour when the veil between realms is thinnest.

Their physical form, which can shift and change at will, requires no conventional cleansing, and their divine nature ensures a perpetual aura of pristine cleanliness. This divine cleanliness, combined with their natural fragrance, adds to their aura of mystique and allure, leaving those who encounter them with a lingering sense of enchantment.


Family Ties

Myrkurnótt shares a profound and timeless connection with their divine partner, Ljósdagur, the radiant Goddess of Light. These two celestial beings, born together at the dawn of existence, are not bound by the constraints of gender but by a bond that transcends the very fabric of the universe. Together, they govern the realms of night and day, weaving a delicate cosmic tapestry.

As life's greatest creators, Ljósdagur gifted Myrkurnótt with two ethereal foxes, Byr and Endir, representing the eternal cycle of beginnings and endings. Their familial ties extend beyond the celestial plane, for the five children they bear together embody the essence of cosmic forces. Lunara, the Goddess of the Moon, and Sólgeir, the God of the Sun, are celestial twins who illuminate the heavens. Stjarnulf, their nonbinary child, governs the stars, while Aegirnir, the God of Oceans, commands the boundless seas. The firstborn, the Goddess of Dreams, is named Somnia, representing the ethereal realm of dreams.

Their divine family, united by the balance of night and day, holds the threads of existence itself, weaving dreams and casting light upon the world. Together, they create the harmonious dance of the cosmos, a testament to the enduring power of their family ties.


Myrkurnótt possesses a serene and composed demeanor, befitting their role as the deity of the night. They often communicate through subtle gestures, preferring to convey their thoughts with a nod, or a meaningful gaze rather than words. They typically maintain an expressionless countenance, their face an enigmatic mask of tranquility and neutrality, often resembling the serene visage of a moonlit night. They rarely display overt emotions, and their demeanor exudes an air of detachment that befits their role as the deity of the night. However, this apparent lack of expression masks a profound inner wisdom and contemplation, as they silently observe the ebb and flow of existence with a detached yet compassionate gaze.

Their voice, when they choose to speak, carries a soothing, melodic quality, resembling the gentle rustling of leaves in the night breeze. Their speech is thoughtful and precise, and they have a penchant for poetic and metaphorical language, often using allegory and symbolism to impart wisdom.

In their physical form, they move with grace and fluidity, mirroring the tranquility of the night. They have a penchant for maintaining a regal posture, whether sitting upon their celestial chariot or standing amidst the cosmic tapestry. Myrkurnótt's actions are deliberate and measured, reflecting their eternal patience and the quiet contemplation they hold dear. Their mannerisms convey a sense of timelessness, and they move through existence with an air of otherworldly serenity.

Hobbies & Pets

Myrkurnótt finds solace and joy in the company of their two beloved fox companions, Byr and Endir. These foxes, gifts from the Goddess of Light, Ljósdagur, are constant sources of comfort and companionship. Byr is known for their playful and mischievous nature, often bringing a sense of lightheartedness to Myrkurnótt's existence. Endir, on the other hand, is a more contemplative and solemn companion, serving as a quiet confidant during moments of reflection.

In their leisure time, Myrkurnótt enjoys stargazing, watching the celestial dance of the night sky. They find solace in the quiet hours of the night, appreciating the beauty of the stars and the mysteries of the cosmos. Often, they can be found sitting on the balcony of their ethereal palace, Vitrasyl, surrounded by the gentle embrace of the Twilight Veil, with Byr and Endir by their side.

Another favorite pastime is wandering through the realms of existence, observing the cycles of life and death, and cherishing the intricate balance between light and shadow. Myrkurnótt finds deep satisfaction in helping souls transition between realms, guiding them with care and compassion.


Myrkurnótt's voice carries the weight of ages, resonating with a sense of timelessness and wisdom. Their tone is calm and soothing, a gentle susurrus like the night wind through leaves. Speaking in a soft, melodic manner, they often employ metaphors and poetic language to convey their thoughts.

Their speech is free from any specific accent or dialect, as they are a deity transcending the boundaries of mortal tongues. When greeting others, they often say, "In the embrace of twilight, greetings," and when bidding farewell, "May the night veil you in peace."

Compliments from Myrkurnótt often revolve around inner qualities and personal growth, such as "Your inner light shines brightly" or "You have embraced the depths of your soul." They rarely resort to insults, but when provoked, they may express disapproval with phrases like "You have lost your way in the shadows."

In times of extreme emotion, they might employ metaphors related to night and day, such as "Like stars in the night, your potential is boundless," or "Even the longest night yields to the dawn." Swearing is a rarity for Myrkurnótt, as their presence often encourages calm and introspection rather than emotional outbursts.



spouse (Important)

Towards Ljósdagur




Wife (Important)

Towards Myrkurnótt




Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur, created at the dawn of time, are partners bound by profound love and admiration. Together, they forged life and the very fabric of existence in the universe. Their mutual gifts to one another have often sparked creations of unimaginable impact, shaping the cosmos in ways beyond comprehension.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ljós & Myr

Relationship Reasoning

The reasoning behind their partnership lies in their complementary natures—Myrkurnótt embodies the depths of mystery and the unseen, while Ljósdagur radiates with boundless light and clarity. Together, they balance creation and preservation, driven by a mutual desire to enrich and expand the cosmos with their combined powers.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur share a profound interest in maintaining balance, fostering creation, and guiding the souls that traverse between their realms. Together, they weave the cosmic tapestry, ensuring that every cycle of life and death contributes harmoniously to the universe's eternal dance of existence. Their collaboration bridges the realms of shadow and radiance, creating a unified cosmic vision where each soul's journey is sacred and purposeful.

Divine Classification
True Neutral
Current Status
Overseeing the realm of the dead
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
1st of Álfaril, 0 UPP
Circumstances of Birth
present at the very inception of the universe, shaping its fundamental forces and aspects from the outset.
Ljósdagur (Wife)
Current Residence
Shimmers with an otherworldly luminescence with deep amethyst irises that hold the secrets of the night.
Raven black, cascading in long, wavy locks that flow like shadows embracing the night. It falls freely down their back, catching the light with a subtle sheen.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale as moonlight, exuding an otherworldly radiance. The skin itself appears flawless, unmarred by blemishes, and its texture is as smooth and cold as porcelain.
1.96 m or 6'5"
82 kg or 182 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
While Myrkurnótt's existence is steeped in mystery and the realm of the divine, they have been known to impart their wisdom and guidance to those who seek answers or solace in the face of life's enigmas. One of their famous quotes, often shared with mortals in moments of introspection and revelation, is:

"In the dance of light and shadow, between the dusk and dawn, lies the essence of existence—a tapestry woven with threads of life and death, each moment a brushstroke on the canvas of eternity."
Owned Vehicles
Ruled Locations