Eclipsed Dagger

This spectral dagger is said to be crafted from the essence of twilight and can sever the ties of life with a mere touch, guiding souls to their final rest.


The Eclipsed Dagger's creation dates back to an evening when Myrkurnótt, the deity of death and the night, was engaged in a cosmic dance with the stars. While observing the beautiful celestial panorama, Myrkurnótt noticed several stars flickering out as they reached the end of their life cycle. Moved by the desire to immortalize these dying stars, the deity gathered nearby twilight essence, nebula mist, and the remnants of the fading stars themselves.   The crafting of the Eclipsed Dagger was both a divine experiment and a symbolic act. Myrkurnótt envisioned the dagger not merely as a weapon, but as a sacred tool that would bridge the gap between the mortal world and the afterlife. As the blade took shape, it was imbued with the power to sever the ties of life, guiding souls to their final rest with a touch. The hilt and guard, made from a dark, otherworldly metal, symbolized the deity’s dominion over the night.   Over time, the Eclipsed Dagger became integral to Myrkurnótt’s sacred rituals and ceremonies. It was used to mark significant transitions and ensure the proper passage of souls. The Eclipsed Dagger’s profound significance extends beyond its role as a divine relic. On Midgarden, worshipers of Myrkurnótt honor its sacred power by crafting replicas of the dagger. These replicas are integral to various rituals, used in ceremonies for guiding souls in death, marking important life transitions, and helping individuals release burdens or relationships that are holding them back. Through these rituals, the faithful emulate the divine authority of Myrkurnótt, drawing on the symbolism of the dagger to navigate life’s profound moments and find closure.


The Eclipsed Dagger is a symbol of Myrkurnótt’s divine authority over death. It is not merely a weapon but a sacred tool with the power to sever the ties of life and guide souls to their final rest. As a relic of immense power, it is integral to the rituals and ceremonies conducted by Myrkurnótt, marking significant transitions and ensuring the proper passage of souls.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Creation Date
19 ÆTG
Current Location
Current Holder
The Eclipsed Dagger is an exceptionally rare and priceless artifact, esteemed as a divine relic. Crafted from the very essence of twilight, it is one of a kind, belonging exclusively to Myrkurnótt, the deity of death and the night.
0.7 kg or 1.5 lb's
Total Length: 25.4 cm or 10 inches Blade Length: 17.8 cm or 7 inches
Base Price
500 RG
Raw materials & Components
The Eclipsed Dagger is crafted from twilight essence, nebula mist, and dying stars. The blade is forged from these celestial materials, the hilt and guard are made from a dark, otherworldly metal. And the dagger’s pommel features an intricate rune, enhancing its divine properties and focusing its power.

Cover image: Treasure Token by Dominik Mayer