Lysandra Náttr (Lee-SAHN-drah NAHT-ter)

The Night Sovereign (a.k.a. Lysa)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lysandra Náttr possesses a statuesque, svelte physique that embodies the grace and allure of her Blóðsuga lineage. Her agility is unparalleled, reflecting her centuries of honing her supernatural abilities and combat prowess. Free from any debilitating illnesses or abnormalities, her immortal form exudes a timeless elegance, befitting a matriarch and scholar of the Blóðsuga.

Body Features

Lysandra Náttr's timeless beauty is characterized by her captivating, amethyst-colored eyes, which shimmer with an ethereal glow. Her alabaster skin, flawless and unblemished, seems to emit a subtle pearlescent sheen, emphasizing her otherworldly allure. Her long, raven-black hair cascades in intricate curls down her back, framing her face with an air of mystique. As she moves with grace and poise, her pointed, bat-like ears emerge from her flowing locks, adding to the enchanting charm that has captivated many throughout her immortal existence.

Facial Features

Lysandra's enigmatic visage is graced by a heart-shaped beauty mark beneath the corner of her right eye, an exquisite detail that adds to her allure. Her high cheekbones accentuate the ethereal, sculpted lines of her face, framing her captivating amethyst eyes and accentuating their mesmerizing glow. Her nose is delicate and refined, leading to a pair of naturally rosy lips that seem to beckon with a small and delicate, subtle smile that imparts an air of mystique to her enchanting countenance. Her lower lip, slightly fuller than its counterpart, adds an alluring softness to her expression. The upper lip, gracefully defined and gently curving, accentuates the exquisite shape of her mouth. With each graceful word and enigmatic smile, her lips tell tales of ancient wisdom and timeless beauty, leaving an indelible mark on those who have the privilege of beholding her.

Identifying Characteristics

Among the distinguishing features that set Lysandra apart are her amethyst-colored eyes, which seem to hold the mysteries of the night sky within their depths. In addition to her heart-shaped beauty mark beneath the corner of her right eye, she possesses a small, crescent-shaped birthmark just below her collarbone on the left side, reminiscent of a sliver of the moon. She bears a faint, somewhat long scar on her lower back, a testament to a past hardship that has left its mark on her immortal form. This scar, although now healed and faded with time, serves as a reminder of a deep wound she endured during her time in isolation.

Physical quirks

Lysandra possesses a few distinctive physical quirks that add to her unique charm. One such quirk is a barely perceptible, rhythmic fluttering of her eyelashes when she's deep in thought or concentration, a subtle movement that hints at her introspective nature. Another quirk is her tendency to unconsciously twirl a strand of her raven-black hair around her finger when engaged in contemplative moments. These subtle gestures, along with her captivating beauty, serve to make her presence all the more enchanting and enigmatic. When she becomes excited or elated, a charming and endearing quirk emerges: she quietly claps her hands together in a soft, rhythmic cadence. This subtle expression of enthusiasm, often accompanied by a gleam in her eyes, adds an enchanting dimension to her already captivating presence. It's a unique and delightful habit that underscores her genuine passion and engagement in the moments that truly excite her.

Special abilities

Vampiric Transformation:
Lysandra can transform into a bat or a mist, allowing her to traverse great distances with ease and move through barriers or shadows undetected. This ability is central to her species and grants her unparalleled mobility.

Blood Manipulation:
As a Blóðsuga, she possesses the power to manipulate blood, both her own and that of others. This ability allows her to heal herself to some extent and, in rare cases, manipulate the blood of others for various purposes.

Charm and Enthrall:
Lysandra's mesmerizing eyes and enchanting aura make her adept at charming and manipulating others to a certain extent. She can draw unwitting individuals into her grasp, but this allure is a double-edged sword, as it can also attract the attention of those seeking to exploit her abilities.

Psychic Link:
Lysandra shares a psychic link with Elysia, allowing them to communicate telepathically and sense each other's emotions and well-being, regardless of distance.

Like all Blóðsuga, Lysandra is immortal and doesn't age. However, she can still be killed through injury or prolonged deprivation of sustenance.

Creation of Blóðsuga:
Lysandra discovered her ability to transform others into Blóðsuga, known as Fyrstblóð, through a dark ritual. This power has allowed her to expand her kind and establish her position as their matriarch.

Apparel & Accessories

Lysandra Náttr's wardrobe includes a breathtaking gown crafted from the rare and mystical Lunaweave fabric, a luxurious material that shimmers with ethereal moonlight. This gown, in a shade reminiscent of the night sky, drapes gracefully around her form, enhancing her otherworldly beauty. She wears this as a show of her regal status, and to show off her weaving abilities.

In addition to her gown, she wears a precious amulet given to her by her beloved Elysia, a symbol of their enduring bond and love. This amulet, intricately adorned with celestial motifs, is a cherished keepsake that never leaves her side. Another treasured accessory is a hair dagger, a gift presented to her by Elysia during their binding ritual. This elegantly crafted blade, adorned with delicate engravings, serves both as a symbol of their commitment and a practical tool, held securely in her raven-black curls.

Lysandra also possesses an antique leather-bound book filled with ancient spells, rituals, and her personal insights on magic and the supernatural world. This personal grimoire, has been meticulously compiled over the years, filled with her own insights, magical experiments, and knowledge about the supernatural world. The cover is made of supple, dark-hued leather, bearing a rich, deep black color that almost seems to absorb the surrounding light. The leather is finely embossed with intricate, swirling patterns, reminiscent of celestial constellations and arcane sigils, giving the book an aura of otherworldly significance. The center of the cover is inlaid with an elegent moonstone gem.

Completing her attire, Lysandra often wears a pair of silver amethyst earrings, a subtle nod to her captivating eyes. These delicate gems, hewn with precision, add a touch of regal elegance to her appearance.

Specialized Equipment

She possesses a set of shadow-cloaked armor, carefully crafted from a combination of Moonstrand Silk and dark leather. The armor is lightweight and flexible, allowing her to move with grace and agility while providing moderate protection against physical harm. The armor features a cowl with a deep hood, shrouding her face in darkness and making it difficult for others to discern her features. It is enchanted to blend seamlessly with the shadows, rendering her nearly invisible in low-light environments. This is a crucial asset when she needs to move discreetly or remain hidden from potential threats.

In addition to the shadow-cloaked armor, Lysandra also carries a pair of enchanted gloves that enhance her dexterity and grip. These gloves are embedded with tiny moonstones, granting her a subtle control over the night and shadows. She can use these gloves to manipulate darkness to her advantage, creating distractions or obscuring her presence when necessary.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lysandra Náttr's personal history is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of adventure, discovery, and transformation. Born on the longest night of the year in the year 375 of the Myrkwinter cycle, she emerged as the world's first Blóðsuga—a creation of the enigmatic Goddex Myrkurnótt. Her birth marked a pivotal moment in the annals of Midgarden's history, and her journey unfolded with an air of mystery and destiny.

As a fledgling Blóðsuga, Lysandra embarked on a nomadic life as an adventurer. Her early years were a whirlwind of exploration, danger, and wonder as she traversed the varied landscapes of Midgarden. It was during these formative years that she honed her supernatural abilities, delved into the arcane arts, and discovered the intricacies of her vampiric nature. Her encounters with supernatural entities, cryptic relics, and ancient mysteries deepened her understanding of the world and set her on a path to become a formidable scholar and protector of the Blóðsuga.

One of the defining moments in Lysandra's history occurred when her beloved, Elysia, fell gravely ill and faced the precipice of death. Driven by an unyielding love and a desperate plea to Myrkurnótt, Lysandra received a divine vision that revealed the transformative power hidden within her. With newfound determination, she enacted a ritual that not only saved Elysia's life but also bound her own essence to her beloved. This momentous event sparked a profound transformation in Lysandra's purpose. She began to see herself not only as a wanderer but as a guardian of her kind and a soul forever entwined with Elysia's.

As the centuries passed, Lysandra's role evolved. She became a beacon of knowledge, guiding young Blóðsuga in their struggles with their vampiric nature and their eternal existence. The Nóttförbindning ritual, which she developed to bind Blóðsuga couples in sacred union, further solidified her place as a spiritual leader and teacher among her people. Her journey led her to the discovery of the Dreamweave Silkflower and the creation of the Moon's Blood Elixir, a significant achievement that not only sustained her kind during times of scarcity but also added to the cultural tapestry of the Blóðsuga.

In the latter years of her existence, Lysandra shifted her focus from the frontlines of adventure to the intricacies of politics and scholarship. Her passion for educating and preserving the legacy of her kind led her to establish the School of Shadows, a sanctuary of learning and enlightenment for Blóðsuga of all generations. Her influence reached far beyond the borders of her kind, and her name became synonymous with wisdom, leadership, and the enduring spirit of the Blóðsuga.

Lysandra's personal history is a testament to her evolution from a curious and daring adventurer into a revered matriarch and scholar, all while embracing the enigmatic nature of her existence as the world's first Blóðsuga. Her story continues to unfold, with each chapter adding depth to the enduring legacy of the immortal Blóðsuga.

Gender Identity

Lysandra Náttr's understanding of gender mirrors the broader perspective of the Blóðsuga culture. Rooted in the teachings and experiences of her immortal kind, gender holds a unique place in their society. Blóðsuga, including Lysandra herself, often find it challenging to identify with any specific gender. This nuanced perspective on gender may be influenced by their Goddex, Myrkurnótt, who embodies a non-binary essence.

In Blóðsuga culture, the concept of gender is approached pragmatically, primarily for the sake of interaction with other races. While they may use gendered pronouns and expressions when engaging with outsiders to avoid confusion, they do so without a strong sense of personal attachment to these categories. Blóðsuga, by and large, identify as agendered, allowing them to transcend the limitations of binary gender norms. They view clothing, items, and professions as entirely free from gender connotations, embracing a fluidity that promotes equality and individual expression.

Ultimately, for Lysandra and her kind, the core of identity transcends traditional gender roles. Instead, they focus on their innate qualities, their shared immortal journey, and their collective mission to navigate the complexities of existence as Blóðsuga. This unique perspective offers a fresh and liberating outlook on gender, aligning with their broader ethos of embracing diversity and celebrating the multifaceted nature of being.


In matters of sexuality and sexual orientation, Lysandra Náttr's experiences are as unique as her existence. As a Blóðsuga, she doesn't personally experience sexual attraction in the conventional sense. Gender plays no significant role in her affections or desires. Instead, Lysandra's connections with others delve far deeper, transcending physical appearances. She is drawn to the essence of a person—their soul and mind. It is the intellectual and emotional connection that fuels her romantic inclinations.

Lysandra's approach to romantic relationships is characterized by a deep sense of monogamy. Her eternal bond with Elysia, forged through the Nóttförbindning ritual, is at the core of her romantic life. Their connection goes beyond the physical and extends into the realm of the soul. However, within the context of their immortal existence, Lysandra and Elysia may choose to engage in sexual relationships with other partners, as long as it does not threaten the sacred connection they share. This arrangement reflects the complexity of Blóðsuga relationships and the unique dynamics that govern their romantic and sexual lives. For Lysandra, the mind and soul will always hold precedence over physical desires, creating a love that transcends time and space.


Lysandra Náttr's education was a unique blend of self-discovery, experiential learning, and divine guidance. As the first Blóðsuga, she had no mentors or teachers to guide her on her path. Instead, she relied on her innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge to learn from the world around her. Her early years were marked by a nomadic existence as an adventurer, where she faced challenges, confronted supernatural entities, and unraveled mysteries. These experiences honed her combat skills, expanded her understanding of the arcane arts, and deepened her knowledge of Midgarden's races and cultures.

One of the most extraordinary aspects of Lysandra's education was her connection to the divine. She occasionally received visions and insights from her Goddex, Myrkurnótt, which provided her with guidance and revelations about her own nature, the Blóðsuga, and the world at large. These divine revelations served as crucial milestones in her education, granting her deeper insights into the mysteries of existence. It was through these visions that she discovered the Dreamweave Silkflower's significance, learned to harness its power, and developed the Moon's Blood Elixir—a pivotal moment in her journey. Her profound connection to the divine instilled in her a sense of purpose and responsibility, motivating her to share her knowledge with others. This divine influence, combined with her unwavering commitment to teaching, has made Lysandra a respected scholar, mentor, and educator among the Blóðsuga, ensuring that future generations benefit from her wisdom and experiences.


Lysandra Náttr's journey through the labyrinth of employment and career choices can only be described as unconventional. Being the first of her kind, she embarked on a life that defied traditional expectations and forged her own unique path. In the early days of her existence, Lysandra's pursuit of knowledge and exploration led her to embrace the life of a nomadic adventurer. With her newfound abilities as a Blóðsuga, she traversed the vast and mysterious landscapes of Midgarden. Her adventures were marked by encounters with supernatural beings, unraveling ancient mysteries, and collecting knowledge about her kind. During this phase, she honed her combat skills, studied the arcane arts, and delved into the histories of the world's races. It was a period of self-discovery and growth, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

As Lysandra honed her abilities and expanded her understanding of the Blóðsuga, she began to attract like-minded individuals who sought her guidance. The formation of the first Blóðsuga coven was a turning point in her career. Assuming the role of a coven leader, she became responsible for guiding her fellow Blóðsuga in their quest to control their darker instincts and protect mortals. This role, while not a conventional career, allowed her to develop leadership and diplomatic skills, fostering a sense of community among her kind. Throughout her unconventional employment history, Lysandra Náttr's journey has been marked by growth, adaptation, and the pursuit of knowledge. Her diverse experiences, from adventuring to political leadership, have shaped her into the multifaceted figure she is today—an immortal matriarch and diplomat, committed to the coexistence of all races in the world of Midgarden.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lysandra Náttr's immortal existence has been marked not only by her occasional missteps but also by significant accomplishments and achievements that have left an indelible mark on the world of Midgarden. These moments of triumph have showcased her resilience, intellect, and unwavering dedication to the betterment of her people and the coexistence of all races.

The Gift of Creation:
Among her many talents, Lysandra discovered a unique ability—the power to create other Blóðsuga. This extraordinary gift allowed her to share the immortal existence she once received from Myrkurnótt with select individuals. This revelation altered the course of Blóðsuga history, as Lysandra's creations went on to form their own covens and clans, perpetuating their kind across the ages.

The Moon's Blood Elixir:
One of Lysandra's most remarkable achievements lies in her discovery and mastery of the Moon's Blood Elixir. This potent elixir, crafted from the rare and transformative Dreamweave Silkflower during the Blood Moon, has become a lifeline for the Blóðsuga during times of scarcity. Its creation not only sustains her kind without the need for blood but also grants them temporary enhancements in their abilities. The cultural importance of this elixir within Blóðsuga society cannot be overstated, and Lysandra's role as its guardian and creator stands as a testament to her ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Scholarly Contributions:
Lysandra's dedication to scholarly pursuits has enriched the world's understanding of the Blóðsuga. Her extensive research, although not fully captured in the unfinished tome, has illuminated the intricate facets of Blóðsuga culture and history for those willing to explore it. Her writings, even when incomplete, have served as a foundation for future generations of Blóðsuga scholars, ensuring the preservation of their heritage.

Diplomatic Successes:
Despite occasional missteps, Lysandra's diplomatic efforts have yielded moments of genuine success. She has negotiated crucial alliances between the Blóðsuga and other races, fostering peace and cooperation. Her ability to find common ground and build bridges between differing cultures has been instrumental in maintaining stability in Midgarden.

The Formation of the Coven:
Perhaps one of her most impactful achievements was the formation of the first Blóðsuga coven. This was not merely a social gathering but a profound symbol of unity and strength among her kind. Lysandra's vision and leadership brought together like-minded Blóðsuga who shared her commitment to controlling their predatory instincts and coexisting with mortals. The coven has thrived over the years, becoming a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their dual nature while protecting the world from malevolent supernatural forces.

The Soul Binding Ritual:
Lysandra's creation of the Soul Binding Ritual, known as "Nóttförbindning" marks a pivotal achievement in Blóðsuga culture. This intricate and sacred ceremony unites two individuals in a profound and magical union. It involves the exchange of specially crafted pendants, symbolizing a bond that transcends mortality. The ritual not only deepens emotional connections but also shares a portion of the participants' life essence, strengthening their connection and immortalizing their love. Lysandra's innovation in developing this ritual has forever shaped the romantic and spiritual aspects of Blóðsuga society.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Unfinished Tome:
In her pursuit of knowledge and unity, Lysandra undertook a monumental endeavor - the creation of a comprehensive tome chronicling Blóðsuga history and culture. Intending it to serve as a bridge of understanding between her kind and others, she poured her heart into its pages. However, the weight of her responsibilities as matriarch and the ever-evolving nature of Blóðsuga society left the tome incomplete. The sight of the unfinished work remains a poignant reminder of the knowledge she yearned to share but could not.

Diplomatic Missteps:
Lysandra's prominence among the Blóðsuga thrust her into diplomatic circles where she engaged with other supernatural beings and mortal authorities. Her wisdom and intellect were undeniable, yet even she encountered moments of diplomatic error. These missteps, though infrequent, strained relations and left her with a sense of personal embarrassment. They served as a testament to the intricate web of inter-racial politics in the world of Midgarden.

Misjudging Character:
Though Lysandra's ageless existence has granted her immense wisdom, she, like all beings, is not immune to the occasional misjudgment of character. Trusted individuals, whether from within her coven or beyond, have occasionally proven untrustworthy, causing discord and harm. These lapses in judgment weigh on her conscience, serving as a reminder to tread carefully in matters of trust.

Lost Artifacts:
Throughout her extensive adventures and scholarly pursuits, Lysandra has occasionally lost or misplaced valuable artifacts and ancient texts. Some of these items were rare, irreplaceable, and held profound cultural significance. The regret of failing to safeguard these treasures has visited her with moments of self-reproach.

Mental Trauma

Lysandra Náttr, as the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, has faced a multitude of mental traumas over her centuries-long existence. One of the most harrowing experiences she endured was the nearly tragic loss of Elysia, her beloved companion and confidante. During a perilous encounter with a powerful adversary, Elysia was gravely wounded, and Lysandra's desperate efforts to save her hung in the balance. The looming specter of losing Elysia, the one who had stood by her side through countless trials and adventures, left a deep emotional scar on Lysandra's psyche. This trauma instilled in her a haunting fear of losing those she holds dear and a profound sense of vulnerability, compelling her to be fiercely protective of her coven and community.

Additionally, Lysandra carries the weight of an ancient betrayal, a past that has etched caution into her very being. Long ago, she trusted a close friend or fellow Blóðsuga, only to be betrayed in a way that shook the foundations of her trust. This betrayal left her emotionally wounded, fostering a lingering wariness of forming deep connections and causing her to guard her heart closely. The echoes of this betrayal have contributed to her reputation as a wise but reserved leader, who values unity and camaraderie among the Blóðsuga while treading cautiously in matters of trust.

In her earlier centuries as a Blóðsuga, Lysandra embarked on a perilous adventure to unravel the secrets of an ancient artifact known as the "Enigmatic Enchantment." This mysterious object was said to possess great power, and Lysandra's insatiable curiosity drove her to seek it out. However, during her quest, she inadvertently triggered a malevolent enchantment that ensnared her in a nightmarish dreamscape for what felt like an eternity.

Within this surreal realm, Lysandra grappled with her deepest fears, facing illusions of her past traumas, betrayals, and vulnerabilities. The relentless torment of this dreamlike prison left an indelible mark on her psyche, compelling her to confront her own inner demons. When she finally managed to break free from the enchantment, she emerged profoundly changed, haunted by the spectral remnants of her nightmarish ordeal.

This traumatic experience shattered her youthful idealism and drove her to reevaluate her priorities. She turned her focus toward the intricate politics of the Blóðsuga community, using her wisdom and knowledge to strengthen their position in the world of Midgarden. The scars of the Enigmatic Enchantment serve as a constant reminder of the perils of unchecked curiosity and the need for caution and wisdom in her leadership role.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lysandra Náttr possesses a multifaceted array of intellectual characteristics that have developed and deepened over her centuries-long existence as the matriarch of the Blóðsuga. Her insatiable curiosity is a defining trait, driving her ceaseless quest for knowledge and comprehension, particularly regarding the enigmatic origins and nature of the Blóðsuga. She is renowned for her ability to decipher cryptic runes, explore the hidden depths of Midgarden's lore, and unearth ancient texts that shed light on their existence.

Wisdom, born of her age and experiences, stands as one of Lysandra's most profound attributes. Her accumulated knowledge serves as a wellspring of guidance for her kind, often sought by younger Blóðsuga facing moral quandaries or uncertainties. Adaptability is another key facet of her intellectual repertoire, finely honed through her enduring existence, allowing her to seamlessly navigate diverse environments, societies, and intricate social dynamics. As a natural leader, Lysandra possesses exceptional leadership skills that inspire, protect, and unite her fellow Blóðsuga under her sagacious guidance.

Furthermore, Lysandra's emotional intelligence is profound, affording her a deep understanding of the emotions and motivations of her kind. Her strategic mind and capacity for seeing the broader perspective equip her with the ability to make decisions that benefit the Blóðsuga as a whole. Diplomacy is a skill she wields adeptly, especially when interfacing with other supernatural entities or mortal societies, ensuring peaceful coexistence and valuable alliances. Finally, her profound knowledge of the mystical and supernatural elements of Midgarden positions her as an authority in magical practices, rituals, and the intricate nuances of the Blóðsuga's supernatural abilities. These intellectual characteristics collectively define Lysandra Náttr as a revered and respected figure among the Blóðsuga, offering both formidable leadership and a wellspring of wisdom and guidance for her kind.

Morality & Philosophy

Lysandra Náttr's morality and philosophy are intricately woven into her identity as the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, a role that demands both compassion and wisdom. She believes in the delicate balance between darkness and light, recognizing that these opposing forces are essential components of existence. This belief drives her commitment to protecting and guiding her fellow Blóðsuga, as she feels a profound responsibility towards their well-being. Her leadership is characterized by a deep respect for individuality and free will, acknowledging that each Blóðsuga has the capacity for both darkness and nobility.

Central to Lysandra's philosophy is the pursuit of knowledge and the unraveling of the mysteries surrounding the Blóðsuga's origins and immortality. She sees wisdom as a means to foster self-control and understanding within her community. Adaptability is another cornerstone of her beliefs, encouraging Blóðsuga to thrive in diverse environments and coexist with mortals when necessary. Lysandra champions camaraderie and unity among her kind, advocating for the formation of clans and covens as sources of mutual support, protection, and knowledge-sharing. Her moral compass is guided by a profound sense of duty and a desire to preserve the Blóðsuga's existence while allowing them the autonomy to choose their path in the intricate tapestry of Midgarden's world.

Personality Characteristics


"Ámbraca sí mörkð innan, því án hennar myndi ekki vera skilningur á ljósi."  which roughly translates to "Embrace the darkness within, for without it, there can be no true appreciation of the light."

"In the depths of night, our strength and wisdom shine the brightest."

"A single drop of blood, a world of possibilities."

"To understand the night, one must first become part of it."

"The shadows are not our enemies; they are our allies."

"Blood ties us together, but it's our shared dreams that define us."

"In the quiet of the night, we find our peace and purpose."

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Magical Mastery: Lysandra is highly skilled in various forms of magic, particularly those related to blood and darkness. She possesses a deep understanding of mystical rituals, spells, and enchantments, and her magical prowess is a testament to her many years of study and practice.
  • Political Acumen: Over the years, Lysandra has developed a keen sense of political strategy and diplomacy. She excels at navigating the complex web of politics in Midgarden, forging alliances, and mediating disputes among various factions.
  • Exceptional Reading Skills: Lysandra has a remarkable talent for reading and absorbing information. Her ability to quickly decipher texts and grasp their contents has been an invaluable asset in her pursuit of knowledge and her role as a scholar.
  • Proficient in Bat Form: Lysandra has honed her abilities in her bat form, allowing her to navigate through darkness with grace and precision. She can effortlessly fly and use echolocation to perceive her surroundings, making her an adept scout and messenger when needed.
  • Physical Combat: While Lysandra possesses formidable magical abilities, she is less proficient in physical combat. She relies on her supernatural powers and wits to overcome threats, often avoiding direct physical confrontations whenever possible.
  • Impulsiveness: Lysandra's passionate nature can sometimes lead her to act on impulse without fully considering the consequences of her actions. While she is a skilled strategist, her impulsiveness can occasionally put her and her allies in challenging situations.
  • Musical Abilities: Lysandra lacks musical talents and struggles to produce pleasing melodies or harmonies. While she appreciates the beauty of music created by others, she finds it challenging to create music herself.
  • Alexithymia: While Lysandra possesses a deep understanding of the emotions and social interactions of others, she often struggles to connect with or express her own feelings. This emotional disconnect can make it challenging for her to navigate her personal emotions and share them openly with others, leading to occasional internal turmoil and difficulty in forming deep emotional bonds.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Moonlit Nights: Lysandra has a deep affinity for the tranquil beauty of moonlit nights, often finding solace and inspiration beneath the celestial glow. She frequently indulges in moonlit strolls and contemplative moments under the night sky.
  • Knowledge and Wisdom: Lysandra's insatiable thirst for knowledge is an intrinsic part of her being. She cherishes learning, the pursuit of wisdom, and the accumulation of arcane secrets. Libraries and ancient tomes are her sanctuaries.
  • Mystical Artefacts: As a connoisseur of the arcane, Lysandra is drawn to mystical artifacts, relics, and enchanted objects. She appreciates their historical significance and the magical power they may hold.
  • Magical Research: Lysandra takes delight in magical experimentation and research. The process of uncovering new spells, rituals, or arcane phenomena intrigues her endlessly.
  • Elysia: Above all, Lysandra holds a deep and abiding love for Elysia, her beloved companion and partner. Their bond is the cornerstone of her existence, and she cherishes every moment they spend together.
  • Reading by the Fire: Lysandra relishes the simple pleasures of life, particularly the experience of reading a good book on a stormy night in front of a roaring fire while sipping a warm cup of tea. The cozy ambiance enhances her appreciation for literature and the written word.
  • Ignorance and Prejudice: Lysandra has little tolerance for ignorance and prejudice. She despises the closed-mindedness that can inhibit progress and understanding in the world.
  • Harm to Nature: Being attuned to the natural world, Lysandra abhors the wanton destruction of nature and the reckless exploitation of its resources. She advocates for sustainable practices.
  • Conflict and Bloodshed: Despite her immortal nature, Lysandra abhors unnecessary violence and conflicts. She seeks peaceful resolutions and diplomacy whenever possible.
  • Losing Knowledge: The thought of losing valuable knowledge, whether through the destruction of books or the loss of ancient artifacts, is a source of deep sorrow for Lysandra.
  • Suffering of Innocents: Lysandra cannot abide the suffering of innocent beings, whether mortal or supernatural. She strives to alleviate pain and injustice wherever she encounters it.
  • Injustice: Lysandra has a strong aversion to injustice in all its forms. She deeply despises the abuse of power, discrimination, and unfairness, and is known for her unwavering commitment to seeking justice and equality.

Virtues & Personality perks

Lysandra Náttr, a figure shrouded in mystique, is a remarkable blend of wisdom and intelligence. Her enduring thirst for knowledge, nurtured over millennia, has transformed her into a beacon of wisdom in Midgarden. Her journey has been one of resilience, marked by trials and tribulations that have only strengthened her resolve. From the moment of her creation, Lysandra has faced profound personal traumas and the weighty mantle of leadership, yet she emerged from these trials as an exemplar of fortitude and grace.

As the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, Lysandra is a natural leader. Her rule is guided by duty, fairness, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of her clan. Behind her regal exterior lies a compassionate heart, one that extends support and care to those in need, irrespective of their race or origin. Lysandra's leadership is not bound by tradition; instead, she possesses a visionary spirit, always seeking to innovate and usher in a brighter future. Her mastery of magic is nothing short of legendary, a formidable power that has played a pivotal role in shaping her destiny.

Eternal youth is Lysandra's gift as a Blóðsuga, bestowing upon her a timeless perspective on the world. Her extraordinary qualities make her an influential figure in Midgarden, as she continues to contribute to the tapestry of her world's history.

Vices & Personality flaws

One of her most prominent vices is her insatiable thirst for knowledge and power. While her quest for understanding and mastery has led to remarkable achievements, it can also drive her to push boundaries, sometimes at the expense of others. She can become so absorbed in her pursuits that she neglects personal relationships and emotional connections, causing strain on her connections with those she cares about.

Another significant flaw is her reluctance to fully embrace her vulnerability and admit when she needs help. Lysandra often bears the weight of her responsibilities and challenges alone, fearing that exposing her weaknesses would undermine her position as a leader and matriarch. This tendency to internalize her struggles can lead to moments of emotional isolation and inner turmoil.

Lysandra's deep-seated sense of responsibility for her Blóðsuga clan can also be a double-edged sword. While her dedication to their well-being is unwavering, it can lead to moments of moral ambiguity as she makes difficult decisions for the greater good of her people, sometimes at the expense of others. Additionally, her past traumas, including the near-loss of Elysia and her capture in isolation, have left emotional scars that occasionally resurface, manifesting as moments of doubt and insecurity.

Personality Quirks

When she's feeling particularly content or amused, Lysandra has a habit of letting out a soft, melodious hum. Her voice carries a soothing quality that can enchant those fortunate enough to hear it. This habit is especially noticeable during intimate moments or when she's in the company of close friends and allies.


Lysandra Náttr, the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, maintains an impeccable standard of personal hygiene. She understands the importance of her ethereal allure and always takes great care in her grooming rituals. Her raven-black hair, known for its silky texture, is meticulously cared for, and she frequently uses enchanted oils and elixirs to maintain its luster.

Her skin, which exudes a subtle pearlescent sheen, is kept immaculate with the use of gentle cleansing potions. Lysandra also pays close attention to her elegant nails, ensuring they are well-manicured and polished to perfection. She believes that even the most delicate details of her appearance contribute to her mesmerizing presence. Her daily bathing ritual is not only a means of maintaining cleanliness but also a way to relax and unwind. Lysandra enjoys bathing in moonlit streams or bathing pools filled with scented petals and enchanted water. This practice not only cleanses her body but also rejuvenates her spirit, enhancing her mystical allure.



Lysandra Náttr, known as the Night Sovereign or Sovereign Mother, presided over a reign characterized by several memorable moments and a profound impact on her people. Her reign, while not marked by a fixed term or conventional monarchial boundaries, has spanned several centuries, a testament to her immortality as a Blóðsuga.

Contacts & Relations

Lysandra's contacts, relations, and affiliations are as diverse and intriguing as her own complex character. As the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, she maintains a network of relationships within her own species, nurturing connections with her created offspring. Lysandra's Blóðsuga children look up to her with reverence and seek her guidance, forming a tight-knit familial bond.

Beyond her kin, Lysandra holds a unique position in the world of Midgarden, with connections to various other races and cultures. Her long and eventful life has allowed her to establish diplomatic relations with many powerful figures among Aetherians, Maðr, Álfar, Sjöálfar, Hestamaðr, Dvergar, and more. These interactions have shaped her into a respected diplomat, mediator, and ambassador for the Blóðsuga.

Lysandra's deep spiritual connection to the goddex Myrkurnótt has also led her to engage with the divine realm. She is often consulted by mortals and immortals alike, acting as a bridge between the supernatural and earthly realms. Her devotion to Myrkurnótt and her unique insights into the celestial world have earned her the respect of religious leaders and mystics, further expanding her network of affiliations.

Additionally, her partnership with Elysia, an Álfar of great influence, has introduced Lysandra to the inner workings of the Álfar hierarchy. There have also been sould bindings between other influential races and her Blóðsuga children which have formed great bonds throughout the nation.

Family Ties

Lysandra's family ties are deeply rooted in her relationship with her partner, Elysia, and the Blóðsuga she has directly created. Elysia holds a special place in Lysandra's heart, not only as her partner but also as a significant part of her existence. Their bond is unbreakable, strengthened by the soul-binding ritual they underwent, and they share a profound love that transcends time.

As the matriarch of the Blóðsuga, Lysandra has a maternal connection with her created offspring. She views them as extensions of herself, and her guidance and protection are extended to each of them. While not biologically related, the Blóðsuga she has created carry a part of her essence, making them family in a unique and mystical sense.

Recently, Lysandra and Elysia have contemplated the idea of expanding their family further by bringing a new life into the world. They have considered the possibility of having a child together, which would be a monumental step in their journey as partners and parents. This decision reflects their deep love for one another and their desire to nurture and care for a new generation of Blóðsuga.

Religious Views

Lysandra's religious views are deeply intertwined with her role as the matriarch of the Blóðsuga and her connection to the goddex Myrkurnótt. She holds profound reverence for Myrkurnótt, considering the goddex as both her creator and guide. Her faith is unwavering, and she often seeks guidance through meditation, prayer, and rituals dedicated to Myrkurnótt.

Lysandra views the Blóðsuga's existence as a divine gift from Myrkurnótt, and she sees her role as a protector and shepherd of her people as a sacred duty. She believes that the Blóðsuga's unique abilities and connection to darkness are a reflection of the goddex's wisdom and divine plan for their race.

While deeply committed to her faith, Lysandra is also respectful of the diverse religious beliefs held by other races and cultures in Midgarden. She advocates for tolerance and coexistence, fostering diplomatic relations and understanding between different faiths and pantheons. Lysandra's religious views are a source of strength and guidance in her leadership, guiding her decisions and actions as she strives to uphold the values and teachings of Myrkurnótt.

Social Aptitude

Lysandra Náttr exudes an otherworldly charisma, drawing people into her orbit with an enchanting allure. Her presence carries an air of confidence, born from centuries of experience and wisdom, and she moves through social settings with graceful assurance. Despite her quiet and reserved nature, she possesses a magnetic charm that captivates those fortunate enough to engage with her.

Having never experienced an aristocratic upbringing, Lysandra's social prowess is a reflection of her innate qualities rather than learned behavior. Her interactions are characterized by genuine warmth, empathy, and an open-mindedness that allows her to connect with others on a profound level. Despite her grandeur, Lysandra remains approachable and grounded, which endears her to both the Blóðsuga and those from different races and cultures. Her remarkable social aptitude is a testament to her adaptability and resilience in navigating the diverse and ever-changing world of Midgarden.


Lysandra Náttr, the venerable matriarch of the Blóðsuga, carries herself with an air of graceful elegance. Her movements are fluid and poised, reflecting her connection to the nocturnal world and the celestial forces that inspire her. She often gestures with slender, delicate hands, which hold an aura of otherworldly charm.

In conversation, Lysandra speaks with a melodic and softly modulated voice, imbued with a subtle air of wisdom. Her words are carefully chosen and delivered, reflecting her intellectual depth and knowledge of the arcane. She possesses the unique ability to convey complex concepts with clarity, making her an effective teacher and diplomat.

One of her distinctive mannerisms is the way she listens intently, leaning forward with an attentive expression, her amethyst eyes focused on the speaker. This attentive demeanor is a testament to her genuine interest in the thoughts and emotions of those around her. She is a patient listener, often encouraging others to share their insights and experiences.

Overall, Lysandra's mannerisms reflect her regal poise, wisdom, and her unwavering commitment to the enrichment of her people and the pursuit of mystical and intellectual endeavors.

Hobbies & Pets

With a deep fascination for the cosmos, she spends countless nights under the star-studded sky, mapping constellations and observing celestial phenomena. Her celestial connection fuels her passion for astronomy, allowing her to foresee cosmic events and divine their significance.

But Lysandra's interests extend beyond the heavens; she is a voracious reader, collecting rare tomes, ancient scrolls, and mystical grimoires. Delving into these pages provides her with insights into magic, history, and the arcane arts, which she uses to empower her kin.

Amidst her intellectual pursuits, Lysandra finds solace in the tradition of tea ceremonies. She meticulously brews rare teas from across Midgarden, embracing the moments of tranquility they provide. Meditation and spirituality are integral to her life, allowing her to maintain inner balance and commune with the divine forces of the night.

Artistry is another facet of Lysandra's multifaceted life; her talent for painting allows her to express her inner thoughts and emotions. Her artworks often depict celestial scenes, magical landscapes, and the profound beauty of the night.

Lastly, Lysandra dedicates herself to mystical research. A seeker of ancient mysteries and forgotten rituals, she tirelessly deciphers cryptic texts and uncovers arcane knowledge that contributes to the growth of Blóðsuga society and their understanding of their origins. These hobbies weave together to form the rich tapestry of Lysandra's life, enhancing her connection to the mystical and intellectual realms that define her existence as a Blóðsuga.


Lysandra has a mellifluous and enchanting voice, characterized by a velvety tone with a soothing cadence. She speaks with a poised and gentle pitch, carrying a touch of elegance in her words. Her accent is polished and soft-spoken, often resembling the refined speech of the elite in Midgarden. Lysandra's dialect is precise and well-articulated, though she can adapt to various regional accents as needed. She has no speech impediments. Lysandra rarely uses profanity, preferring elegant expressions to vent her frustrations.

Wealth & Financial state

Lysandra Náttr's wealth is a testament to her long and storied life, filled with adventure, political influence, and shrewd financial decisions. She resides comfortably within the upper echelons of society, her wealth far surpassing the needs of an average individual. However, what sets Lysandra apart is her approach to wealth, which is marked by a distinct lack of greed and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of her people and the world at large.

While she possesses vast riches, Lysandra does not hoard her wealth for personal gain or extravagance. Instead, she manages her resources judiciously, ensuring that her fellow Blóðsuga are provided for and safeguarding a reserve for emergency situations. Her selflessness extends beyond her immediate community, as she actively donates substantial sums to various charitable causes, funds the development of civilizations, and supports startups and small businesses that share her vision of progress and prosperity.

One of Lysandra's greatest passions is education, and she uses her wealth as a powerful tool to further this cause. She generously donates to educational institutions, sponsors scholars and researchers, and provides scholarships to promising individuals, regardless of their race or background. Her contributions have helped unlock the potential of countless minds and fostered a climate of learning and innovation.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Revered matriarch and guiding presence of the Blóðsuga
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of Myrkwinter, 375
Year of Birth
375 5832 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Lysandra Náttr's creation was a deliberate act by the Goddex Myrkurnótt, who sought to bring forth a new species, the Blóðsuga, into existence, as part of a divine plan.
Current Residence
Darkwood Manor
Amethyst-hued eyes, which are of medium size, with an elongated almond-shaped
Long, raven-black hair cascades in luscious, curly waves, framing her face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, moonlit porcelain, smooth and flawless, with a subtle luminescent shimmer
1.83m or 6'
61kg or 135 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Skuggatungumál, Ancient Runescript, & Stjarnspråk