
Nebulon is the first diety not created from Ljósdagur or Myrkurnótt. He was the first spirit, a fox, to come to the twilight veil and was given the role of Mist Sovereign.

Nebulon, the Mist Sovereign: Nebulon is the most revered and powerful Veilweaver in the Twilight Veil. They are considered the realm's ultimate authority and have existed since the very inception of the realm. Nebulon's mist form is said to contain the wisdom of countless souls who have passed through the Twilight Veil.

Nebulon possesses the ability to shape the mist into intricate patterns and symbols, which hold great significance in the realm. They can also summon celestial phenomena by manipulating the mist, creating awe-inspiring displays that guide souls and maintain the balance of the afterlife. Nebulon's decisions and guidance are highly respected, and their presence instills a sense of tranquility and reverence throughout the realm.   Nebulon, a fox in life, was the first soul to enter the Twilight Veil after passing away on Midgarden. As he transitioned into the realm of the dead, he was greeted by the deities Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur. They welcomed him warmly, introducing him to the afterlife with kindness and understanding. The realm was new and mysterious to Nebulon, and he had many questions about his fate and the nature of his new existence. Myrkurnótt and Ljósdagur patiently answered each question, offering him insights into the workings of the Twilight Veil and the role he might play in this eternal realm. After addressing all his inquiries, the deities presented Nebulon with a profound choice. He could either proceed through the Veil to his final resting place, where he would eventually be reunited with his loved ones in the afterlife, or he could remain in the Twilight Veil to assist future souls in their transition. Nebulon reflected deeply on this decision. The prospect of helping others navigate their passage resonated with him, and he felt a deep sense of purpose in taking on this significant responsibility. With a heart full of honor and commitment, Nebulon chose to stay and serve as a guide for souls journeying through the Veil.   In recognition of his decision and to formally bestow upon him his new role, Myrkurnótt invested Nebulon with the title of Mist Sovereign. This ceremony of investiture was marked by Nebulon’s transformation; he grew to a massive size, symbolizing his newfound authority and the weight of his responsibilities. Ljósdagur, in her divine artistry, crafted for Nebulon a golden chain headpiece and matching armbands. These items were not just ceremonial but also imbued with her light, representing both protection and guidance for the Mist Sovereign.   Since that momentous event, Nebulon has held the title of Mist Sovereign with unwavering dedication. He remains the sole occupant of this role, having established a legacy of guiding and assisting souls through the Twilight Veil. His commitment to his duties and the symbolic adornments crafted by Ljósdagur serve as a constant reminder of his sacred responsibility and the honor of his role in the afterlife.




Towards Somnia




Towards Nebulon


Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
21 6186 Years old
Somnia (Wife)
Ruled Locations
Character Portrait image: Space Fox by Brianna Brunt