Empire law

The following document is the Empire law written by the Orzhov syndicate. This law dictates all of the crimes within the Empire and what the punishment is. The document was written by the Orzhov high council and was acepted by the other guilds as well as the Emperor of the Empire.  

Crimes of Arcane Magic

Minor Offense: Casting non-harmful cantrips
Lesser Offenses: Casting non-harmful cantrip on others
Serious Offense: Casting non-cantrip magic
Severe Offense: Casting harming magic

Crimes Agains Citizens

Minor Offense: Assult(without wounding or robbery), Excessive Noise
Lesser Offenses: Damage to property, Assult (wounding), Assult on livestock, Unlawful Hidrance of Buisness
Serious Offenses Robbery, Burglary, Theft or killing of Livestock, Repetition of a Lesser Ofense, Usury
Severe Offenses: Arson, Rape, Assaut Resultating in Mutilation or Crippling, Forgery, Magical Assult Slavery

Crimes Against the Guilds

Minor Offense: Public Blasphemy of a guild-leder, Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct at guildhalls
Lesser Offenses: Assult Upon a Guildmember, Bribery of guild member
Serious Offense: Unlawful Gindrance of Guild buisness
Severe Offense: Theft of Guild property

Crimes Against the City

Minor Offense: Bribery, Unlawful Flight over the City, Blasphemy Agains Foreign Ambassadors, Vagrancy, Littering(includes relief of human waste in public), Brandishing a weapon Dangerously or Threatening without due Cause, Dangerous Operation of a Coach, Wagon or other Conveyance.
Lesser Offenses: Bribery of a City Officer or Official. Hindrance of City Watch/Guard in their Duty
Serious Offense: Fraud, Fencing Stolen Goods, Unlawful Dueling, Murder with Justification, Repetition of any lesser Offenses
Severe Offense: Poisoning of City Wells, Murder, Spying, Sabotage
Manuscript, Legal
Signatories (Characters)