

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kír is a blue orc born into a world of green orcs. From the moment she entered the world, her unusual hue set her apart from his tribe. The vibrant blue of her skin marked her as different, an anomaly in the sea of green that surrounded her. Her parents, both green orcs, were initially puzzled by his appearance but embraced her nonetheless, determined to love their daughter regardless of her color.

  However, acceptance within the tribe proved to be a challenge for young Kír. As she grew older, she noticed the stares and whispers of the other orc children whenever she passed by. They would point and giggle, their eyes wide with curiosity and sometimes with mockery. Kír would try join in their games and adventures, but the other children kept their distance, wary of her unusual appearance.

  The adults of the tribe were not much better. Though they did not outright shun Kír, there was a palpable sense of disapproval whenever she was near. They would exchange meaningful glances when she walked by, their voices hushed as if discussing some forbidden topic. Kír could sense their judgment, their belief that she didn't belong among them.

  Despite the ostracism she faced, Kír found solace in the forest that surrounded the orc village. It was there, among the towering trees and winding streams, that she felt truly free. Away from the judging eyes of her tribe, she could be himself without fear of scrutiny or ridicule. She spent hours exploring the wilderness, learning its secrets, and forging a bond with the creatures that called it home. 

  One day, as Kír roamed the forest, her senses attuned to the rustling of leaves and the songs of birds, she stumbled upon a most unexpected sight. There, lying amidst a grove of trees, was a human clad in armor emblazoned with the motif of a red lion. The stranger appeared injured, blood staining his armor and his face contorted in pain.

  Kír approached cautiously, her instincts warring within her. Humans were often viewed with suspicion by the orcs, their history fraught with conflict and mistrust. But as she looked upon the wounded figure before her, Kír saw not an enemy but a fellow being in need. The man drew his sword and shouted out words completely foreign to Kír as she approached the man who was unable to move from his spot.

  Cautiously, Kír extended a hand in an offer of aid, her intentions clear in her gentle gaze. Yet, as she drew near, she could sense the mistrust radiating from the human like a palpable barrier. The man's eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as if preparing to throw himself against Kír with his broken body.

  Undeterred by the human's apprehension, Kír persisted, her voice soft and reassuring as she spoke in a language the stranger did not understand. But instead of gratitude, her efforts were met with a wary silence, the human's gaze flicking between Kír and the dense foliage surrounding them.

  With a heavy heart, Kír realized that earning the human's trust would not be easy. The scars of past conflicts ran deep, casting a shadow of suspicion over their encounter. But still, she refused to turn away from someone in need, determined to break through the barriers that separated them.

  Slowly, cautiously, the human allowed Kír to approach, his movements stiff and guarded. It was only after a long moment of tense silence that he finally relented, allowing Kír to help the man stop the bleeding. The man pointed to himself and said “John” and then pointed at Kír. Although Kír had started to overcome the man named Johns weariness, he was still far to injured to survive out here. Kír helped John to his feet and made their way back to the orc village.

  When they arrived at the orc village, Kír's heart swelled with hope that her fellow orcs would see the humanity in her actions. But to her dismay, the villagers reacted with fear and anger at the sight of the human in their midst. They raised their weapons and shouted for Kír to explain herself, their mistrust palpable in the air. Undeterred, Kír tried to explain herself, pleading for the others understanding. But her efforts fell on deaf ears, her words lost in the chaos of the moment. And as the tension reached its peak, the village elder made a fateful decision.

  With a heavy heart, the elder declared that Kír had violated the sacred laws of the tribe by bringing that human into their midst. In accordance with tradition, Kír and the human were to be cast out from the village, their fate left to the mercy of the wilderness.

  For Kír, the decision was a bitter blow, a cruel reminder of the prejudice that had haunted her since birth. But as she looked into the eyes of the injured human, she knew that he could not abandon him to the dangers of the forest. And so, with resolve burning brightly in his heart, Kír gathered her belongings and set out into the unknown, determined to forge a new path alongside her unlikely companion.

  As Kír and John journeyed through the dense forest, their bond slowly deepened amidst the trials they faced. Day by day, Kír diligently worked to bridge the gap of language between them, eagerly absorbing every word and phrase John taught her. Through patient gestures and shared experiences, they found a way to communicate, forging a fragile connection born of mutual trust and understanding.

  As they traveled, John revealed fragments of his past, speaking of a betrayal that had left him wounded, both physically and emotionally. Kír listened with empathy, her heart heavy with sorrow for the human who had endured so much hardship. Though their paths had diverged in countless ways, Kír recognized the pain of rejection and the longing for acceptance that John carried within him.

  As they journeyed further towards civilization, the weather grew increasingly harsh, the sky darkening with ominous clouds that heralded an approaching storm. Despite their best efforts to find shelter, they were soon overtaken by the fury of nature, the wind howling and the rain lashing down upon them with relentless force. Desperate to find refuge, Kír urged John to press on, her voice barely audible above the roar of the storm. With every step, they fought against the elements, their bodies battered and weary, their spirits tested to the brink of exhaustion.

  But in the end, it was not enough. As they stumbled through the forest, their strength faltered, and John's condition worsened with each passing moment. In the midst of the tempest, he collapsed to the ground, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, his eyes glazed with pain. With a heavy heart, Kír knelt beside him, her hands trembling as she tried in vain to offer comfort. But it was too late. As the storm raged on around them, John slipped away, his life extinguished like a flickering flame in the wind.

  Alone amidst the fury of the storm, Kír bowed his head in silent mourning, her heart heavy with grief for the friend he had lost. In that moment, as the rain poured down upon them like tears from the heavens, she vowed to carry John's memory with him always, a beacon of light in the darkness of the wilderness. And with that solemn promise, he rose to his feet once more, his resolve unbroken, his journey far from over.

  In the aftermath of John's passing, as Kír journeyed through the wilderness with a heavy heart, she found himself drawn to a solitary figure perched upon a moss-covered branch—a small blue bird, its feathers glistening like sapphires in the soft light of dawn. Intrigued by the bird's vibrant hue, Kír approached cautiously, her eyes filled with wonder at the sight before her.

  As she drew near, the bird regarded her with curious eyes, its gaze unflinching as if peering into the depths of his soul. And in that moment, Kír felt a connection unlike any she had experienced before—a bond that transcended the barriers of language and race, binding them together in a silent understanding. 

  With a gentle gesture, Kír extended her hand, offering it to the bird in a gesture of friendship. To her surprise, the bird hopped forward, its tiny claws landing upon her outstretched palm with surprising grace. And as their eyes met, Kír felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her grief momentarily lifted by the presence of her newfound companion.

  Together, they journeyed through the forest, their footsteps guided by the rhythm of the natural world around them. In the quiet moments between their shared adventures, Kír found solace in the company of the blue bird, its song a melody that spoke to her soul in ways words never could.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue ocean

The Journal Entry’s title

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