Lucian Portavi

Lucian Portavi is a tiefling who has learned how to handle himself in the woods and aquireing what she needs from others, wether they want to give it up or not.  


Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the centre of Nicandria around Dewshore lived a small wandering tribe of tieflings, 5 families in total. In one of these families there was a young child named Lucian. His family consisted of his younger sister Gabriella, mother Nerissa, father Karus and grandfather Morcis. Lucian learned during his youth how to hunt wild animals, scavenge for food and build shelter. There were never any issues with food or shelter growing up. During the winter months the tribe would find caves to sleep in and during the summer they would use tents made from leather to stay close to herds of animals.

  The most important part about surviving however was not food or shelter but to avoid threats. While there where fighters in the group and they had herbal medicine, if they ran into an enraged owlbear or a goblin camp the resulting injuries would make it harder to gather food and if any other threat appeared it could be the end of them. These events where however rare as most disputed territories where well known by the older members who had walked through the entire forest. The other protection the tribe received where from their God Silvanus. Not direct messages but his intent could be read by how animals moved and behaved. The tribe would construct small shrines throughout the forest where they would worship him and protect the nature around it.

  While Lucain had grown up well in the forest, it all changed at the age of XX. The autumn storm hit harder than any previous year and while they tried to find shelter form the extreme weather, most of the older family members fell ill. With no simple way of gathering food due to the storm and an increasing amount of people from the tribe falling sick, the situation was that they would all die or they had to flee to civilization. The journey was not long, but due to the illness and lack of food it became harsh, and most members died before they reached the small mining village Minhome. Lucian could be considered lucky among the tribe since both his mother and sister survived but both his father and grandfather died shortly before reaching the village, their bodies left to become food for an animal struggling to survive.

  While the village provided the safety needed for the remaining tribe members to survive the winter, by the time spring came they realized that venturing out again would most likely only end in disaster as their number where far too low and they no longer had the strength to protect themselves if the where to be attacked. Their troubles increased as while they were just getting by, the emergency funds they had once had where now gone and they needed to finds jobs to keep making money. As the village of Minhome was primarily a mining settlement, Lucian slowly realized that while he could do the work, he was not meant for it and realized that mercenary work could he be far better at. Because of this he took up a protection job for a caravan heading to Dewshore, a larger town a few days away.

  Once Lucian arrived in Dewshore he realized that it would not be so easy to make it as a mercenary either. The pay was enough for one person, but his budget would always be strung to the end in order to send anything back to his family. As he grew more desperate as his sister once again fell ill, he fell to the other side of the law and tried to make money by pickpocketing. It was always something small and easy lie taking from drunk people or unattended items. One of the bags he stole however it turned out was not unattended. After snatching a bag and sneaking of into an alleyway, an older gentleman appeared out of nowhere and demanded for his bag back. Luckily for Lucian, rather then turning him in, the gentleman decided to teach Lucian how to do it properly.
  His name was Renfire and he was a half-elf. He never revealed a lot about himself, only that he had retired but decided that it would be fun to take on a new apprentice. Lucian slowly learned how to move unseen, take what he wanted without leaving a trace and knock anyone out who was in the way. Two years later Renfire simply never appeared again leaving Lucain to once again find a way to make money.

  Although he was able to make a nice income with new skills, it left his stuck in the city surrounded by people. It was not as freeing as his youth was, so he decided to try out mercenary work again. This time he found more success with it as his skills had greatly improved in the last two years and he joined a small group to travel and work together.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Teal leathery skin