
Wherever there is coins to be made you will find three types of people; thieves, merchants and mercenaries. They come from all walks of life, from disgraced knights seeking redemption to orphaned street urchins looking for a way to survive. In most parts of Midranor mercenaries are in high demand, hired by kingdoms, wealthy nobles, and desperate villagers alike to deal with threats ranging from marauding goblin hordes to fearsome dragon attacks.   Some mercenaries band together in formidable companies, forming tight-knit brotherhoods forged in the heat of battle. Others prefer the solitary life, wandering from job to job, never staying in one place for too long. Regardless of their affiliations, all mercenaries share a common trait: a willingness to risk life and limb for the promise of coin.   But life as a mercenary is not without its perils. Every contract carries the risk of injury or death, and not all employers are honest or fair. Betrayal and treachery lurk around every corner, and alliances can shift as quickly as the wind.   Yet, for those who are skilled and lucky enough to survive, the rewards can be great. Gold, jewels, magical artifacts – the spoils of war are as varied as the contracts themselves. And for some mercenaries, the thrill of battle and the camaraderie of their fellow warriors are reward enough.


Payment & Reimbursement

The payment methods for contracts can vary greatly in across Midranor for mercanaries. For some jobs, the promise of a share of the spoils can be enough to entice mercenaries to take on risky and dangerous tasks. These contracts often allow mercenaries to keep whatever treasures they find along the way, whether it be gold, jewels, or magical artifacts. In exchange, they may receive only a modest upfront payment to cover expenses and keep them going until the job is done.   On the other hand, there are contracts that offer a more straightforward payment in the form of coin. In these cases, mercenaries are expected to hand over any treasures they come across during their mission, but they are compensated with a higher fee for their services. This type of arrangement is often preferred by mercenaries who value a guaranteed payday over the uncertainty of what they might find along the way.   Of course, there are also contracts that fall somewhere in between, offering a combination of upfront payment and a share of the spoils. The exact terms of each contract can vary depending on the employer, the nature of the job, and the bargaining skills of the mercenaries involved.   When it comes to greater treasure hoards like those found in dragon lairs, the gold and riches often come from surrounding civilizations or even entire kingdoms that have fallen victim to the creature's greed. In such cases, even if mercenaries are able to successfully subjugate the threat and claim victory, they are typically not entitled to take the hoard for themselves.   Instead, the spoils of such a conquest are usually claimed by the ruling authority or the kingdom that the dragon resided in. This can lead to disputes and negotiations over how the treasure will be divided between mercenaries who risked their lives to secure it and the kingdom that originally lost the treasures. The reward for such a feat can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the size and value of the treasure hoard, the terms of any existing contracts, and the policies of the ruling authority or kingdom in question. In some cases, mercenaries may receive a substantial portion of the treasure as a reward for their services, while in others they may receive only a small fraction or even nothing at all beyond their agreed-upon payment.   Additionally, the reward for defeating a particularly powerful or notorious threat like a dragon may also include other benefits, such as titles, lands, or honors bestowed by the ruling authority. These rewards can vary greatly between different kingdoms and cultures, adding an extra layer of complexity to the mercenary profession.   In the end, mercenaries must weigh the potential rewards and risks of each contract carefully, considering not only the immediate payout but also the long-term implications and potential consequences of their actions. For some, the chance to claim a dragon's hoard may be worth any price, while others may prefer to seek out more straightforward and less perilous opportunities for profit.