Son of a Clawrotten Wyvern!A common insult. Origin unknown. Clawrot is common disease an individual can suffer from especially after losing a talon or a horn, or when severe damage is done to the aforementioned bodyparts. Similar to other types of infection, this one is contracted when the wound gets infected with fungal parasites and can be prevented with disinfection and proper handling of the wound by a skilled Wingbinder A very few individuals may survive an untreated Clawrot and experience vivid hallucinations and visions. It is unclear whether these are truly true, but the more superstitious of dragons are more willing to believe a prophet with Clawrot rather than a healthy one.
Transmission & Vectors
Transmitted via fungal spores - blood around horns/claws. Moderately infectious.
Inflammation, pain, headache and without treatment can result in loss of limb for claws. Psychosis, paralysis and death for untreated horn wounds.
Alcohol based desinfection, clean bandages to prevent further infection. In cases of later stages of the disease - cutting out the infected parts, ointments mixed with salt and a lot of rest required.
Affected Groups
Every species except for Water dragons who seem to have a heightened resistance.
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