Fox Tear Tea

Every few decades, there would be rumors of a mysterious woman living in the woods far removed from civilization. Those who have met her only did so while making a desperate escape from their pursuers and anyone who tried to seek her out always failed. All recountings say, when they were hopelessly lost in the densest part of the forest as night started to fall, they suddenly stumbled across a hut in a small clearing where a woman tending to the herb garden outside would invite them inside to rest.   Not only is she a generous host, providing her guests with a place to sleep for the night and food for their journey, she also showed concern for her guests and would ask what brought them so deep into the woods. As they told her about their plight, she'd sympathize and even sometimes grieve with them. She'd listen and weep silently as she brewed tea to help soothe them to sleep.   Upon waking, no guest has ever seen their savior again. The hut would be bare save for their belongings and the only evidence of the woman's existence would be the parcels of food she'd provided. After stepping outside, they'd notice the garden was gone and once they turn back to examine the hut, it had disappeared too. They aren't left on their own for long though. As her guests try to find their way out of the forest, they all eventually encounter a helpful fox that leads them far enough until they can find the rest of the way themselves before disappearing into the forest foliage once more.   Some speculate that the woman was a shapeshifter and took the form of a fox, while others believe the fox was her familiar. The stories of her magic has caused many to venture into the woods to find her, since all who have met her were temporarily gifted with magic themselves. Such as, when a pair of young lovers who eloped were able to escape detection when they were sure their families had found them. Also, a man who was escaping from his brother who'd poisoned him was cured the next day and granted poison immunity, giving him the chance bring his brother to justice. Then, there was the time a young girl from a village invaded by pillagers was able to summon an army to fight them back upon her return home. And, a woman who found out her husband had a mistress and they were after her money was able to enthrall him when her husband caught her, and eventually, she got her revenge.   Since the woman who helped all these people always served her guests tea during their stay, people started believing that her tea was what granted these powers. Many herbal remedies were invented as a result of people trying to recreate her concoction, but none have resulted in magic as described in the stories, leading to the belief that her tears were the missing ingredient. While many establishments may sell Fox Tear Tea due to the popularity of these stories, very few will ever be able to taste the real thing.


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