
The Crypthand have existed in Merriby Main almost as long as the Empire itself. They were born from humble origins: a mage named Wyv Ithburn wished to continue his studies of the arcane long after death. He was a mere human man, not long for the material world. He began to hire underlings who could assist him in the collection of supplies for his journey to prolong life. He found that mortal underlings asked for too much. Be it coin, an assurance of safety, or otherwise, he decided that he would create his own servants. Ithburn lived in Rhidilia at the time. By the time he had began his attempt at sustaining life, the year was 700, merely 3 years after a disease called “The Rot” had taken hold of the city. Wyv was an opportunist. Prior to the construction of the catecombs beneath the city, bodies had been piled in the streets and on the outskirts of town. There were too many to bury. The mage gathered some and used necromancy to raise semi-intelligent undead slaves. The first wave were not as self sufficient as he would have hoped. In the years that followed, the mage had experimented enough that he was able to warp a dead soul’s own perception of its attached body, creating Revenants. In 734, Ithburn had gathered enough materials, many of which through unspeakable means, to become a lich.     In the years that followed, the now lich needed slaves to do the menial tasks that he did not have time for. Ithburn continued his studies of the arcane, unlocking new powers with each passing day. He constructed a fortress on the edge of Rhidilia, naming it the Zeflelro.     Much is unknown about Ithburn. Most mysterious was his sudden disappearance. One day, as slaves report, he locked himself in his chambers. Several days passed before a slaver went to check on him. When he did, he found that Ithburn had disappeared. No evidence remained and to this day it is unknown what happened.     Shortly after, Gadrunn Amrax, a ruthless slaver, took charge. To this day he rules with an iron fist.

Stronger in death

Illicit, Syndicate
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