House Rhorellian

As the ruling family in Rhorellia, House Rhorellian is the most respected of the royal houses.


Head of House: Percerian Rhorellian   Other Members: Elniana, Rolan, En Stillvale

Public Agenda

The Rhorellians work publicly for the betterment of the kingdom that they oversee.


The Rhorellians founded the nation of Rhorellia in 362 A.C., when Panan was declared ruler. He was followed by Keavalur, who expands Rhorellia with a newly established military. In 824, Keavalur went missing on a diplomatic trip to Uslos. His young son, Dwilkas took the throne (thourughly underprepared). 4 years later, Dwilkas was assassinated by Cavalkatar and Elniana took over. Elniana ruled until 1248 and restored Rhoellia to a prosperous state. Her son Percerian now sits on the throne.

Túr a Honor

Founding Date
362 A.C
Court, Royal
Subsidiary Organizations