Passell Misery

Misery Passell (a.k.a. The Dissapointment)

Misery was born a disappointment and a joke. Looking nothing like her parents, and then her younger brother with her white skin and white hair, the city started to stir with rumors and falsehoods of the royal family. All this seemed to fade with the birth of the family’s youngest and last child, Fortune, who won people over with his charm, leadership, and likability. Misery has lived her life as a failure from day one and now she is stuck living in the shadow of her younger brother, cast aside for years and years and hidden from the public eye. She consistently strives to be liked and wanted, but after years of trying, she finds she has no choice but to turn to bad deeds and trickery to forge her own path. As the daughter of Corsaless nobles that run the city, Misery was brough into wealth and high education. Her father [name here] has led the City for years after inheriting the position from his father, along with his money. The royal family is liked for the most part, but there is a small population that wishes to overthrow their power due to unfair trade policies and wealth the family unfairly collects. Misery spends her younger years stealing in an ever-growing discontented city, hiding, forging, trying to provide for herself as her family neglects to acknowledge her due to her utter disappointment. Holding onto a last string of hope, Misery is given a small gift on her 21st birthday, which is an empty box with a gem, the only gift her family has even given her. However, the true gift of ultimate disappointment and betrayal was given. Her father announces that after his death, Fortune would succeed his position inheriting the family estate, power, and fortune, leaving Misery nothing. Enraged by years of neglect and hate, Misery snaps. She strives to seek revenge on those that have ever wronged her. Nothing else matters except for taking the family wealth and power, gaining the respect and love of others, and taking no mercy. That night, she runs away from home in anger and screams for someone / anyone to notice her. And in that moment, someone finally heard her, A fiend. Drawn to her appetite for revenge and great power, the fiend offers Misery a deal. A family secret and a soul for guaranteed power and a shot at redemption in time. Out of desperation for wealth, power, and success, Misery seals the deal. A damaging family secret for power... What can go wrong? With the family secret unknown to Misery, she sneaks back to the estate, grabs the locked scroll and gives it to the fiend for great power. The deal is done. The next day, the family finds the scroll is found missing and there is only one person to blame. The final straw, and the excuse the family was waiting for to get Misery out of their lives once and for all. Furious, her family bans her from the city and tells her to never return. Tossed out the gates with nothing except the small amount of supplies and wealth she has collected over the years, the knowledge of an angry city, and her new powers, Misery sets out to gain a following to gain back what is rightfully hers, and she’ll do whatever it takes to get it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and muscular

Body Features

Short Horns and a long tail

Facial Features

A scar over her right eye

Identifying Characteristics

Scar over left eye

Apparel & Accessories

Leather studded armor. She always wears a red bandana over her mouth and nose to hide her identity

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of the Passell noble family of Corsaless   She was born the black sheep of the family and the family disappointment without the chance to prove herself..

Gender Identity



She prefers men but will go either way depending on the persona or who she becomes romantically attached to depending on others interest in her.


the highest education possible



Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments

The family disappointment the center of the town gossip a joke

Mental Trauma

She was born neglected and different from her family. She was tossed aside, abused, swept under the rug.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is incredibly smart, almost too much for her own good.   She knows how to forge documents and knows how to put on a whole new personality.

Morality & Philosophy

Every man for themselves the strongest survive

Personality Characteristics


Revenge and Justice.   She really wants to be liked deep down and that motivates her too.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She knows how to forge documents and how to slip into new identities.   She knows much about cities and towns that traded with Corsaless.   having a high education, she knows A LOT

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: People, companionship makes her uncomfortable, her family, water   Likes: the heat, knowledge, books, solitude(?), animals

Virtues & Personality perks

Though she does not like people and their company, if she is around the right people, she can be compassionate.   -Determined -Gritty -Intelligent -Survival Skills

Vices & Personality flaws

-Selfish -Nosey -narcissistic -Careless (sometimes) -Lies

Personality Quirks

Rolls eyes a lot. constantly corrects others.


great hygiene


Contacts & Relations

Cut off ties with her noble family The Passell's

Family Ties

The Passell Nobles of Corsaless

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Misery does not like social situations but she is great at reading people, getting what she wants out of them, and then leaving if she wants to.


She is rugged yet poised and elegant.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets, though she might benefit from a rugged companion.   Hobbies include trickery, stealing, playing with magic, finding and selling trinkets, reading.


Moderately paced speech.


Lavigne Mackley

Associate (Trivial)

Towards Passell Misery



Passell Misery

Associate (Trivial)

Towards Lavigne Mackley



Wealth & Financial state

Her family is extremely wealthy, but she was cut off.   She has come up with a good amount of money from stealing and tricks. As well as finding trinkets and selling them.

Relentless, unforgiving, and crafty, 28-year-old Misery is on a mission to seek revenge on all those who have wronged her and is determined to take what is rightfully hers by gaining the trust and manpower of those around her to overthrow her family rule.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Disappointment
Straight Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Not my problem"
Known Languages
Common, Infernal