Rowan Arkan

Rowan Arkan

Rowan began life in Primrow as a criminal and was succsessful for many years in that profession. Eventually he realized he needed to get out of there as quickly as possible or else his life would be cut short. After learning the hard way that he doesn't belong in the civilized world, he decided to become a bounty hunter. That was a good life until he picked a fight with some guards and now he's a wanted man. Wanted or not, he just wants what's good for everyone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rowan is very tall and noticeably strong. His steps seem to hush a bustling tavern. A common thug would certainly think twice before engaging with him.

Body Features

He has large hands and feet, and a significant amount of body hair.

Facial Features

It's obvious he was handsome at one point and he still is, but it's clear he's been in more than a few fights. He can grow a beard quite easily and has a short one almost all the time. His eyes are his most attractive feature and reveal the most about his character. He has farily long hair and wears it in different styles depending on the circumstance but it never grows past his shoulders.

Identifying Characteristics

His height identifies him more than anything.

Physical quirks

He's a bit of a slow walker.

Apparel & Accessories

He usually dons something rather utilitarian, assuming he's not just in armor to begin with.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rowan has no memory of his parents, they were most likely nobodies who got together for a quick fuck and nothing more. He was born in the gutters of Primrow. By the age of six his parents were both long gone and he was all alone. He quickly learned his way around the streets and became something of a bruiser among the other urchins, taking apprenticeship under the older kids until eventually he was big enough to beat people up on his own. Once he was fully grown he achieved a relative position of power in a gang known as The Fist. It's a very straightforward name for an organization with a very straightforward purpose: Impose power over others using force.   Rowan's job was slaving. He would grab enemies of The Fist at night and sell them off to be used in the Underdark. He was quite good at this he never felt too bad given that enemies of The Fist were usually scum themselves.   The cracks began to show when Rowan's boss (in a fit of rage) ordered the execution of some of Rowan's peers when some potential slaves didn't end up where they were supposed to. Rowan knew his time would be coming to an end if he didn't get out of there, but he also knew running away wasn't an option. Rowan knew he couldn't take down The Fist by himself so he devised a plan. He framed the organization by setting fire to one of many personal treasuries belonging to The House of Primrow and leaving a signature that would lead right back to his boss. The House leaders aren't keen on such a disrespectful act and immediately took action by butchering anyone they could find belonging to The Fist. By the time the dust settled Rowan was already long gone. He vowed to never step foot in Primrow again for fear that The House might discover it was him who burned their wealth.   Rowan drifted for a while before stumbling upon an obscure fishing town called Piscis. It was an unassuming place one wouldn't expect to find much trouble in. He liked it there and moved in at a little boarding house. After spending a few weeks working at the docks though, it became clear the town was under the control of a massive goliath named Kazalok along with his band of goons. Rowan promised himself to stay out of it. Unfortunately trouble seems to stick to Rowan like a dragon sticks to treasure. Kazalok came down to the docks one evening right as work was coming to an end. He started demanding Rowan to pay a protection fee. To make a long battle short, Rowan quite literally ripped Kazalok's head off and fed it to the fish. While the people of Piscis were better off without the bully, it was obvious Rowan was not welcomed there after such a violent display. You can't have a peaceful town without the violent determination of a man like Rowan, but a man like Rowan has no place in a peaceful town after showcasing such violence.   He became a bounty hunter figuring he could put his talent to good use. He wanted to bring those like Kazalok to justice without having to live among civilized people. He never stayed in one place for too long but he did do most of his work around a city called Grados. Grados is built like a fortress and has the best banks in the land because of it. Rowan didn't have much use for money so he put most of it away into a bank called Zebol's Vault. After depositing his latest reward, he saw a group of local guards mocking a homeless half-elf. Rowan knew what it would cost him but he stepped in anyway. He gently told them to leave the poor guy alone but they didn't stop. Eventually they started beating up on the half-elf. Rowan shoved the boldest of the guards back and stood between the them and the half-elf. There were five of them and they now intended on arresting Rowan, he knocked the manacles out of their hands and that's when the real fight began. Swords were drawn but these guards were no match for Rowan, he disarmed all of them but their leader who wouldn't back down. He swung hard and fast at Rowan but his attack was dodged and countered with a greatsword through the gut. He was now a wanted man and it took him two weeks to safely escape the city. For now all of his money is still in Zebol's Vault.


He gets along well with all folks.


He's been a loner for most of his life and taught himself most things. He's suprisingly educated for someone who came from the streets of Primrow.


He's been a criminal, a dockworker, a bounty hunter, and many other odd jobs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

There's nothing he's proud about.

Failures & Embarrassments

He considers most of his life a series of unfortunate events that he is the cause of.

Mental Trauma

His trauma stems from his loneliness and his desire to belong in society.

Intellectual Characteristics

He knows very practical things but also enjoys studying academic topics. He's just never had much of a proper schooling.

Morality & Philosophy

He's smart enough to know there isn't a black and white, only gray. He just tries to make the best choices he can in the moment. Ultimately he wants what's best for everyone.

Personality Characteristics


Rowan just wants a place in society where he is respected and not seen as a danger to have around. His time in Piscis really changed him and his outlook regarding this. He has a good heart and want to use his skills to help people, not hurt them. He just can't figure out how.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's is very savvy to the criminal underworld, specifically the slave trade. He also knows Primrow very well. When it comes to defeating humanoid enemies without killing them, he's your guy.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys the sea due to his time at Piscis. He strongly dislikes begging and bartering, two things he often had to rely on as a child.

Virtues & Personality perks

His stature usually grants him any attention he desires, at least in human company. Most towns he's been to don't want him back though.

Vices & Personality flaws

He's can have an overly cynical viewpoint on life.

Personality Quirks

He often closes his eyes to think when he has a lot of thoughts in his head.


He maintains good hygiene but his lifestyle doesn't always afford him the luxury of a bath. No one would turn their nose at him though.


Contacts & Relations

Despite meeting many people in his travels, none of them are really good friends of Rowan.

Family Ties

Rowan knows nothing about his family and his parents are probably both dead.

Religious Views

He never had time for religon when he was growing up and he's certainly never gone back to change his mind.

Social Aptitude

He's very charming and can fit in in all social situations with ease.


It can be difficult to read his face due to his long hair and scruffy facial hair. Overall he is quite expressive though. He's something of a gentle giant when it comes to everyday situations.

Hobbies & Pets

He's never had a pet and his only hobby seems to be killing.


He's a very plain speaker. He doesn't use any fancy words and his language can be understood and appreciated by everyone.


Lavigne Mackley

Associate (Trivial)

Towards Rowan Arkan



Rowan Arkan

Associate (Trivial)

Towards Lavigne Mackley



Wealth & Financial state

He has a lot of wealth in his vault in Grados. It's hard to get to though due to being wanted in that city.

Rowan grew up with nothing and had to learn fast how the world worked. His youth shaped him into a violent criminal but now he provides justice to those who need it.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
People who know him in Primrow often called him The Wall because of his size and intimidating nature.
Late 20s
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lb.
Known Languages
His native tongue is Common but he also picked up Undercommon when living in Primrow as slaving was The Fist's biggest moneymaker.