The Blightslayers

In lore of the old world, before and during the Collapse of the Sodality, a group of ancient mortals formed a secretive organization. This group of mortals opposed the gods and sought to end the conflict by their own hand. It is believed they captured a minor deity and managed to experiment on him, testing what weapons worked and didn't.   During the Collapse of the Sodality, religious followers of the gods opposed the Blightslayers. They believed the Blightslayers had no right to involve themselves in the ways of the gods.  
To those who respect and follow the ways of the Blightslayers, it is a terrible shame that all that remains of them today are artifacts and crumbling monuments. The Blightslayers were controversial even in their own time. The organization was formed of the Aket people. The Aket were the original settlers of the Northlands. When the gods created life prior to the Collapse of the Sodality, it is believed that some life was born independently of the god's will. If this is true, it would explain the Blightslayers. Once the gods began to wage war amongst themselves, the Blightslayers (founded by brothers Aarathor and Aarathane Greystone), decided that their influence on the people was unjust and unwanted. Their destruction far outweighed their creation. The ancient people came together, and with their combined knowledge of the arcane, they quickly became a force to be reckoned with. They began to create weapons and tools capable of harming immortals.

Cultural Reception

Today, the Blightslayers are widely seen as radical and evil. Their reign is reduced to a simple legend. Some staunch believers and historians still seek out their artifacts, The Sunguard for example.
"Make them bleed"
— Blightslayer Motto
The Blightslayer Crest
Date of Setting
Estimated between 2000 and 30 BCS