The Dardendrin

The Dardendrin are a guild of Dragonborn, united in their contempt for their draconic ancestors. As a unit, they were a powerful and dangerous force. They agreed to work towards the common goal of slaying one of their ancestors. To find one, the guild would use an artifact from the days of old, the Zethricrid. This was a bronze dragon eye with the ability to lead the user to the nearest dragon.
  The Dardendrin's quest was halted on one fateful night. Balasar, a young member of the tribe, returned from a journey to recruit members to the cause. He found his guildhall in flames, many trapped inside. 8 mysterious figures began to flee the scene of the crime on horseback. Balasar did all that he could to stop them, but was bested in combat. He is the only known member of the Dardendrin today.
Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary