
Balasar is a Dragonborn Warlock and the wielder of Venturim. He travels with an adventuring party in Costrana.
  He set out to find the party responsible for the destruction of his clan and his home, the Dardendrin Tribe. In his travels, he discovered that The Withered Hand had been paid to destroy the clan. The reason why remains to be discovered.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Balasar was born into The Dardendrin clan, a Dragonborn guild that sought to defy their bloodline and prove their power by slaying dragons. The dragons of Costrana went into hiding shortly after the destruction of The Blightslayers, and remained in hiding once the clan tried to hunt them. The Champion of the Northlands was always the guild's main target, and as the years passed, they grew ever closer to finding the elusive dragon.   Balasar acted as a recruiter for the guild, spending weeks on the road. As his luck would have it, he happened to be staying in the guildhall when the The Withered Hand attacked. He ran from the burning mansion, but they gave chase. A masked figure was gaining on him. He closed his eyes, expecting to meet his end, when a voice called to him.    "Reach out, young one." It echoed in his mind.   Balasar suddenly felt a cold steel in his palm. An elegant, sturdy blade appeared before him. Using a newfound strength, he swung the blade, slaying his attackers.   When he returned to the guildhall, nothing remained. He was the only survivor.   ________________   After joining with some other travelers, Balasar discovered that he could empower his blade and free his patron by severing three chains in the mysterious Astrotemples. He also found out the name of his patron, Venturim. He was some kind of powerful divine warrior who died to Blightslayers in ancient times.    Two chains have now been broken, and Balasar is on the heels of the Champion of the Northlands. The end is near, one way or another.
Balasar wields a unique blade. Trapped within seems to be the spirit of a powerful entity.