The Everglow

In Western Costrana, deep in l The Elven Grove, once was a small unassuming runestone, sealed away in chamber long ago by ancient peoples. This runestone, known as the Everglow, was said to have the power to consume entire villages in flame.   


Once held by the elves who dwelled in the Elven Grove, the Everglow is an artifact said to have existed long before true settlements formed in Western Costrana. Some believe it is a remnant of the The Collapse of the Sodality or placed by the gods in the grove for some greater purpose.

Historical Basis

No true record of this artifact exists. However, several strange fires in 1142 led some to believe that it has been discovered and used for nefarious purposes.


This myth is limited to Western Costrana, but is a tale told by many adventurers.
Date of First Recording
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