The History of Azleveer

In the year 541, the 3 major cities in Azleveer united. They had long been viewing the strange forces and dark happenings in the Blackened Peaks and the Lifeless Timber. Fearing that the spread of these could mean doom for the people, representatives from Kagdarom , Ashheim , and Millonock formed a council to represent the now unified Azleveer.   



Millonock (Modern)

  The council's efforts were less effective at stopping the problem as they were at delaying it. Two representatives from each city met monthly, taking advise from the greatest researchers each city had to offer, but to no avail. For some reason, the forest seemed to creep and grow at an unnatural rate during nightfall. This spread would eventually take the city of Millonock by surprise. The forest grew as far as 2 miles in one night, reaching the city and trapping residents in their homes, gradually crushing and engulfing victims.   Azleveer was left in mourning for the loss of an entire city and its people after that fateful night in 977. The council began to experiment on the wide expanse of darkly enchanted trees, ultimately placing beacons of light at strategic points around the forest edge to keep it at bay.   After the council's failure to protect its people, several protests erupted in favor of the council's removal. Eventually, a new election yielded new politicians who promised change. This was enough for the people until around 1247, when several of the beacons suddenly were destroyed. The mages of Azleveer scrambled to replace them, but one protester used the opportunity to point out the flaws of the current system: Exalian Granvath.
  There are many stories about the mysterious origins of Exalian. Some say he was a street urchin, others say he was a promising military officer out of Vardor. Granvath thrived in the mystery surrounding his past, using it as fuel for his campaign against the council. He claimed that anyone from any background should be allowed to take seat on the council, not just those with the money needed to campaign.   In 1249, just after the turn of the new year, 3 council members were murdered in their rooms after a dinner party in Ashheim: Greth Arkell, Dannet Ontha, and Lelli Mun. Misra Arkell, wife of and fellow council member to Greth Arkell, was quick to suspect Exalian. But without proof, she would only worsen the situation. She has not been seen since. The remaining 2 council members, Luz and Sombra Urmire quickly fled Azleveer and headed south. Without leadership, Azleveer quickly fell to infighting. Civil war broke out, many of the wealthier citizens fled, and without funding, the resistance stood little chance. The citizens backed Granvath now, and hope was quickly lost.