The Leodove Empire

Era beginning/end


The first true empire in Atolvance rose in 209 and fell nearly 400 years later in 605. It was fractured after the sitting emperor's top advisor started a revolution against him.

The Leodove Empire came about mysteriously in 200. The Leodoves were a family of high elves who claimed nobility and domain over the land in Southwest Atolvance. Over the next 9 years, they managed to convince enough of the people in Atolvance of their right to rule that they established a powerful grip on the area.    Many debated the origin of the family, as high elves were not native to the realm. It wasn't until nearly 400 years later that a top advisor to the sitting emperor discovered the truth of their past. The Leodoves had come from the Feywild, a plane of existence that runs parallel to the material plane. The family, through use of deception and magic, convinced enough people that they possessed a divine lineage and were the true destined rulers of the area. They specifically targeted smaller, superstitious, religious settlements until they had enough power to wield over the less impressionable settlements. The Leodove Empire wasn't entirely bad necessarily. Their rule brought about a fair amount of prosperity, forcing the settlements to develop at a faster rate than those to the north and east.    The Leodoves expansion was limited once they established rule. Moving across Atolvance was (and still is) the Primordial Haze, a thick, arcane fog that enshrouds areas of Atolvance. The cloud doesn't act like a normal storm. The Leodoves quickly learned that it is not limited in size, speed, or shape. It seemed to move at its own will. It would spread to areas that the Leodoves intended to expand their rule, but seemed to claim adventurers who stepped within. There was no evidence of their death, and after several attempts, the Leodoves decided the mist too dangerous to venture within.   In 598, Filverel Leodove took the throne after the death of his father, Tyrin Leodove. His father's top advisor was taking care of the deceased emperor's belongings when he stumbled upon some ancient tomes. They told the truth of the Leodoves, and it wasn't long before the advisor (Kymil Gennan) turned on the family. He released the information to the public and the people rose up in a glorious revolution. In 605, the Leodove Empire was no more and the remaining Leodoves were killed in public executions.

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