
The history of Atolvance

  • 209 ACS

    605 ACS

    The Leodove Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The first true empire in Atolvance rose in 209 and fell nearly 400 years later in 605. It was fractured after the sitting emperor's top advisor started a revolution against him.

  • 264 ACS

    The Illuminary is constructed

    A massive tower is constructed in Atolvance to act as a repository of knowledge.

  • 448 ACS


    Kaelora unifies and declares itself a sovereign nation
    Diplomatic action

    The island of Kaelora is unified under the Kimgrin Council

  • 600 ACS

    605 ACS

    The Leodove Revolution/The Glorious Revolution

    Kymil Gennan led the 5 year revolt that ended the Leodove Empire.

  • 609 ACS

    The Lasian Dynasty
    Era beginning/end

    The Lasian Dynasty is born from the ashes of the Leodove Empire

    Additional timelines
  • 626 ACS


    The Primordial Haze moves east
    Geological / environmental event

    The shroud that had for so long cut Klestan off from the rest of Atolvance lifted in 626 and began to move along the east coast.

  • 649 ACS

    The Amethyst Accord
    Era beginning/end

    In response to the lifting of the Haze and the reveal of the Lasian Dynasty, a coalition of cities east of Klestan form a council, uniting the nation of Dedror under a common flag.

  • 671 ACS


    High Preistess Vilvana takes the throne of Atrana
    Diplomatic action

    High Priestess Vilvana, a mysterious noble woman, takes control of Atrana through unknown circumstances.

  • 675 ACS

    902 ACS


    The Age of Prosperity
    Era beginning/end

    For over 250 years, the nations of Atolvance lived in relative peace with one another.

  • 902 ACS

    4 Bamos
    902 ACS

    14 Bowhil

    The Primordial Haze moves towards Atrana
    Geological / environmental event

    The Primordial Haze begins to move towards the nation of Atrana, forcing the citizens to take action in protection of their land.

  • 903 ACS

    906 ACS


    The Accord/Atrana War
    Military action

    The Amethyst Accord goes to war with Atrana as an act of retaliation for the destruction of their cities in what is now the Vassalmoor Wasteland.

  • 967 ACS


    The Pewter Reservoir is constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    A large dam is constructed on the Venth River to purify waters that flow south of Connemtrell.

  • 1063 ACS


    The Circle of Valion is founded

    The wizard Valion Vahana created the Circle of Valion, an arcane research institution in 1063.

  • 1142 ACS

    3 Poime

    Auril goes silent

    The last known contact from citizens of Auril was had on the 3rd day (Klar) of the 7th month (Poime) in 1142

  • 1244 ACS

    5 Poime

    Rumbles are detected from the Titan Lands
    Geological / environmental event

    Large rumbles are detected from within the Titan Lands. Scholars declared them an earthquake of some kind, but many believe it was the awakening of a Titan by the giants who dwell there.