The Pewter Reservoir is constructed

Construction beginning/end


A large dam is constructed on the Venth River to purify waters that flow south of Connemtrell.

After the Summoning of the Blaze, a large demonic entity that tore through the land north of Dedror and formed what is now the Vassalmoor Wasteland, the water of the Venth River that acted as the eastern border of the Amethyst Accord began to run black. The corruption of the lake at the river's head caused the water to turn into a toxic sludge. This change ruined the farms and settlements along the banks, creating several ghost towns in its wake.   To remedy this, a group of nature clerics from Ceruleia Island worked with the government of Primrow (a city in the bay in which the sludge eventually flowed). A dam was constructed first to stem the flow of the water from both the Venth and the Mastri rivers. Half a mile away, a second dam was made. This dam contained artifacts from the clerics of Ceruleia. They were orbs, mined from the tunnels of Kaelora and embued with magic from the clerics themselves with the blessing of the goddess Melora. These orbs, placed along the portholes in the dam, purified the water as it passed through, restoring the environment south of the Pewter Reservoir to its former glory.

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