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Residing in a world of the same name, Midvillage is a city where trees grow on every street corner and the sent of freshly baked bread can be smelled wafting from bakeries. The current mayor is an old man named Sturgis Exus. He has won the election for the past three five-year-long terms with an astounding citizen approval rating. His supporters have described him as a well-meaning senior citizen who loves a good mince pie and who has donated great sums of money to local orphanages. The city is seperated into three sectors: The commercial sector, the agricultural sector, and the residential sector. The city is perched atop a plateau in the central desert of the world. This geography protects it from the surrounding wildlife, including coyotes, blood falcons, and dust devils. It functions as a sort of sanctuary for buisnesses to exist and markets to disperse products across the whole world. The city's electricity is provided by a power plant five miles out to the west. The city is centered at the midpoint of the world and there is a pillar monument at the exact center. The city hall is next to it and inside one can find a map of the city and a human resources center. Anyone is allowed to enter the city if they need a place to go.

The Social Climate

Yeah, boss! I fought wit' a rabid stray dog! Den I got hit by a big ol' bus n' got knocked into a bar an' so I decided ta get a drink! That's why I didn' show up ta work today.   -Average day in west Midvillage
Much of the city is quite well-off, living in nice apartments and homes. In the west of the housing area, however, it is not so nice. In that area, there is much less money being put into the infrastructure and there are few new building projects. Drugs and homelessness are common there with little to no support. The police force rarely enters the area and disregards most crime there. Multiple warring, armed gangs exist, making life a continuous struggle of survival. Stray dogs are common throughout the city. You can't swing around a dead cat without hitting one of the mangy things.

Why to Visit

Midvillage provides beautiful and cheap housing and the streets are perfectly clean living spaces for the homeless. Dive deep into its complext history at the city museum and view elk, wolves, and snortlaxes in the official zoo! You can also go to the market and buy fresh produce from the nearby farms and expensive jewelery! Psst, there's also a black market under the butcher's where you can buy organs and other questionable products. Don't tell anyone I told you that, though!

The Upcoming Election

  There are three main canidates to consider in the upcoming mayor election:
Bob   This canidate showed up to town in the past few years. He donates seemingly infinite amounts of money to charity causes and wears the same outfit whenever he is out and about. He wears a fully green suit with a red tie. If he becomes mayor, he promises to improve education, legalize more drugs and weapons, and make every Sunday a holiday. Some of his critics say he seems like an imposter...
Sturgis Exus   Sturgis has been mayor for quite some time. He has also won numerous awards for his actions in office. His promises include decreased taxes and increased poverty rates. He is very old and has a shriveled and dried up look about him. He has been critisized in recent years because many believe the city needs a young leader but many still like him because he has experience.
Edna Riverweed   She lives currently in a mansion at the edge of town and has a large collection of cactuses. She has held a seat in the city council for thirty years and during this whole time, she has campaigned for a bigger city garden. Her promises for the city all revolve around cutting funds for education and quality of life and inceasing funds for parks and local farms and gardens. She has a hippie look about her and wears almost exclusivley rainbow crop-tops.
Who are you voting for?? You all can have a say in the future of the world and vote!! Just click HERE!
Alternative Name(s)
The Sanctum City
3 million

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