House Angst


House Angst is a relatively old house and vassal to House Black that was founded long ago. Their ancestral seat is located in the harsh and rugged mountains in Razenia, where they have built an almost impregnable fortress.   The members of House Angst are known for their fierce and relentless fighting style. They are skilled in all forms of combat, from sword fighting to archery, and are feared throughout the land for their tenacity and ferocity on the battlefield.   Their sigil is a black blade in front of a fortress, symbolizing their unyielding and unrelenting nature. Their words are "Our Blades are Dark and Swift", a testament to the resilience of the members of House Angst in the face of adversity.   The ruling lord of House Angst is Lord Thorne Angst, a fierce and battle-hardened warrior who earned his reputation fighting against many of the wild orcish clans he was sent to purge. He is a man of few words, but his actions speak louder than any words ever could.   The soldiers of House Angst are known as the Dark Knights, and they wear black armor that is adorned with the symbol of their house. They are a highly disciplined force that is feared by their enemies and respected by their allies.

"Our Blades are Dark and Swift"

Political, Family
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Notable Members


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