House Dreg

House Dreg is a lesser house and a vassal of House Black. House Dreg is composed of mostly Half-Orcs, Lizardfolk, Yuanti-ti-Purebloods, and some Dragonborn who were cast out by their kin have also found a home in House Dreg. Some think the meaning behind House Dregs name is that it is composed of the Dregs of society and outcasts who have nowhere else to go. House Dreg is used as little more than the foot soldiers of House Black and is usually sent in as the vanguard in any of their wars or conflicts they may get involved in. House Dreg is fascinated with Dragons and their priests and cultists are usually found caring for the aging dragons of Razenia's dragon armies and are there to help coax them and prepare them into their transition to become Draco-Lich's. They also can be found caring for the eggs of the dragons and guarding them with their very lives.

"We are the Dreg"

  • Sigil: Banner emblazoned with a dragon skull
  • Words: "We are the Dreg"
  • Titles:
  • House Seat: The Dread Basin
  • Region:
  • Lord/Lady: Lord Dugza Dreg
  • Heir:
  • Allegiance: House Raznia, House Black
  • Status: Active
  • Vassals: None
  • Religion: Evil Dragons Gods,
  • Age:
  • Founder:
  • Ancestral Weapon: Headsplitter (Great-Axe)
Political, Family
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official Languages


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