House Shatterforge

History:  House Shatterforge was once a great dwarven house that was located at their House seat of Steelfall Keep.  Shatterforge was a vassal house of House Darkwood and fought valiantly with them in the Dragon War.  House Shatterforge was known to make some of the best weapons and armor in all of Miferia and they were the main supplier of arms to the Demaran forces.  House Shatterforge was composed mainly of dwarves who out from their mountain keeps to display their craft for the denizens of the surface and make some coin trading their weapons and arms.  Smiths of House Shatterforge were also some of the only known smiths who could forge Dragonsteel a mythical metal that was known to be the strongest metal known in all of Miferia.  House Shatterforge grew and prospered selling their arms and they built Steelfall Keep near Shade mountain and it became a hub for trade in weapons and armor all across Demara.  House Shatterforge was led by only two lords in its span starting with the great Lord Thundric Shatterforge and then his son Volmad Shatterforge who fell in battle during the Dragon Wars fending off the Raznian forces.
Sigil: A anvil and hammer over a gear.      Words:  Evraal eron da Drakna     Titles: Lord of Steelfall, Lord of the Forge, Lords of Dragonsteel     House Seat: Steelfall Keep     Region: Steelfall Shade Mountain     Lord/Lady: Volmad Shatterforge (Deceased)     Heir: None/Unknown     Allegiance: House Darkwood/House Demara   Status: Died out (Male Line Extinct)     Vassals: Unknown     Religion: Grognar     Age: Unknown     Founder: Thundric Shatterforge   Ancestral Weapon: Drakna Ord (Dragonsteel Dwarven Warhammer)
Political, Family
Controlled Territories


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