Zuak Urngor


Zuak Urngor is an ancient dwarven city that is said to have been located deep beneath Shadeveil mountain. The history and details of this city are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been one of the most magnificent and prosperous cities of its time.   According to legend, Zuak Urngor was founded by a group of dwarves who were searching for a new home after their previous settlement was destroyed by a catastrophic event. The dwarves were skilled craftsmen and miners, and they quickly began excavating tunnels and building structures in the underground city.  These dwarves ended up forming House Shatterforge and become on of the greatest Houses in all of Miferia.   Over time, Zuak Urngor grew into a bustling metropolis, with a vast network of tunnels and chambers that housed thousands of dwarves. The city was known for its impressive architecture and engineering, including massive stone pillars and intricate carvings that adorned the walls of its great halls.   The dwarves of Zuak Urngor were also renowned for their mastery of metalworking and gem-cutting. They produced some of the finest weapons, armor, and jewelry of their time, and their goods were highly sought after by other civilizations.  They were also the only dwarves who knew the true secret of forging Dragonsteel.   Despite its wealth and power, Zuak Urngor eventually fell into decline during the great dragon war. Towards the end of the great dragon war, House Shatteforge sealed off the entrances to the city and it was eventually abandoned and forgotten, and it remained lost since.   Today, Zuak Urngor is a source of fascination and curiosity for dwarves and non-dwarves alike. Many adventurers and treasure hunters have attempted to find the lost city, but few have succeeded. Some believe that the city still exists, hidden deep beneath the earth, waiting to be rediscovered by those brave enough to seek it out.


Zuak Urngor is located deep within Shadeveil mountain and there are said to be many entrances into the city all hidden and sealed by the dwarfs of House Shatterforge long ago.

Natural Resources

Dragonsteel, Iron, Gold, Silver all could be found deep in the mines of Zuak Urngor.
Large city
Owning Organization


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