Order of the Magi

The Order of Magi was formed many generations ago to help keep magic under control and to make sure a overzealous powerful mage didn’t destroy the realm. The Order if Broken into various factions:   Black Robed WIzards – Study death magic and necromancy.   Red Robed Wizards – Study the magic of fire and pyromancy.   Blue Robed Wizards – Study the magic of water and ice.   White Robed Wizards – Study the magic of life.   Green Robed Wizards – Study the magic of nature.   Gray Robed Wizards – Neutral wizards who wear gray colors to show they are not affiliated with any of the orders factions and are freelance magic users.   When the Order of the Magic discovers the presence of a new sorcerer or wizard, they are approached about taking the Test of Magi. The Order would either allow the sorcerer/mage to continue on their present course or try to coerce them to give up their freelance ways and become a wizard of the order. If a sorcerer/mage refuses to give up their ways, the Order of the Magi would then treat them as renegades and most likely send mage hunters after them. Outside of this, there were very few distinct rules and regulations, and mages were, by and large, given free reign to do as they pleased as far as the Orders and the Conclave were concerned. The only exceptions were that mages were generally forbidden to use the magic of a school outside of their Order. If a mage continually did this, they were generally required to leave their current Order and assume the robes of the Order whose magics they had begun using. If a mage refused to conform to one of the Orders, if they refused to journey to one of the Towers for the Test, they would be branded a Renegade, and the Conclave would seek to either apprehend or kill the offender, depending on the seriousness and severity of their rebellion.

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