The Nadab are a nomadic people from the central deserts and steppes.
Diet: Rice, small game, dried fruits, highly spiced.
Demeanor: reserved with outsiders
D&D races: (PHB): Tieflings (prominant), humans (common), halflings (common), half-orcs, (uncommon), gnomes (uncommon), dwarfs (almost never), elves (almost never).
Cities and encampments:
The Nadab retain a nomadic outlook, even when putting down roots and raising buildings. Many, especially those who follow the Way of the Path, continue to follow their ancestors ancients paths through the high and low deserts and steppes. Their tend to be semi-permanent encampments at oasises, water sources, and areas filled with game and spices (especially on the southern steppes). In the deserts, these encampments typically huddle around rock outcroppings that provide shelter from the winds, shade in the day and radiant heat in the night. To outsiders' eyes these tent cities (some of which can be vast) appear permanent they are anything but. Bands are continuously leaving, and their tents replaced by incoming travelers.
Cities are low lying, with flat roofs, frequently topped with an impermanent canvas structure that provides shade during the day. In the low lying steppes, hearty grape vines frequently climb the walls of homes, providing the the juice made for a sweet wine (Yayeen mitok) which is sometimes distilled to a fiery spirit (Mi Hamayim).
Paths of the Nadab
The two Paths of the Nadab are considered essential by both: the nomadic followers of the Way of the Path need the agricultural products and occasional safety of the cities, while followers of the Way of the Book require the trade, including spices, cured meats from the northern deserts.
"May your steps find surety on the Path"
Way of the Path (place names and cultural artifacts use Arabic base)
Primarily nomads
"May the peace of the Book guide your way"
Way of the Book (place names and cultural artifacts use Hebrew base)
Primarily city dwellers