Engos Vapor

Engos Vapor is a type of naturally occurring stimulant compatible with virtually all forms of biological life. When viewed in the visible spectrum, it takes the form of a deep green mist. It is typically inhaled with minimal processing, and causes immediate mental stimulation in the affected individual. It has a similar effect to more traditional liquid stimulants (such as the Earth drink 'coffee'), though faster acting and stronger. In addition, sustained use of engos vapor can cause minor biological adaptations to a user's environment. Some observed adaptations include improved water retention on desert worlds, heat dispersion on ocean worlds, and heat retention on arctic worlds. These adaptions only persist as long as engos vapor is taken regularly, and disappear several weeks to months after it ceases.

In addition to the varied effects on organics, engos vapor has somewhat different effects when processed. Namely, it becomes becomes a potent conductor of energy. The applications of a room-temperature gas that can efficiently conduct electricity are numerous and varied, but the most common applications are as ammunition for plasma-based weapons, and enhancing planetary energy grids. While processed gas is not harmful to biologicial life, it loses most of its beneficial effects.

Although it is the most common of the exotic gases, engos vapor's demand often makes it among the most valuable. It is most commonly found in the atmospheres of toxic worlds, mixed in with other, less valuable gases. Mining stations "scoop up" the atmospheres of these worlds, using onboard refineries to separate engos vapor from other gases, before storing it in pressurised tanks for transportation. It can also be found deep within planetary mantles, where specialised mining equipment is required to mine it. The presence of the gas on a planet is usually detectable by trace amounts being emitted through swamps or bogs. Engos vapor can also be created synthetically, but this is significantly more expensive than natural extraction. Due to the high demand for the gas, however, synthetic engos vapor is the most common form of the gas in the galaxy.
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