
An entertainer is a specialist profession involved in the entertaining of populations. The term encompasses a wide variety of professions, such as actors, musicians, performers, fashion designers, and holo-artists, as well as the behind-the-scenes crews that support them. As societies have become progressively more automated, the role of entertainment has become increasingly important.

Traditionally, entertainers were limited to the physical arts, either recorded or live. In the distant past, stories would be told around campfires, traveling bards would sing at establishments, and individuals would congregate to witness athletes compete at organised sports. The printing press is an invention common to all known species, and it universally revolutionised societies by allowing for the large-scale printing of books. The development of electronic entertainment, such as radios, televisions, computers, and holos, combined with planet-wide networks, allowed for instantaneous access to huge amounts of entertainment.

Today, holos remain the most popular form of entertainment. Entertainers work tirelessly to craft new experiences from holograms and energy fields, displaying them at holo-theatres. While in-home holo-theatres exist, they are expensive and require significant space to make effective use of. As such, most individuals visit their local holo-theatre for entertainment after work. Holos come in all types, such as linear stories, reactive stories, competitive games, social experiences, and many more. Orbis Customer Synergies is the leading producer of holos (and other media) across the galaxy.

Outside of holos, more traditional forms of entertainment exist. Flatscreen films are cheap and easy to watch at home or on a pad, virtual reality can offer nearly the same levels of immersion as holos without as much equipment investment, and live performances are still regularly attended across the galaxy. So-called "hyper-entertainment forums" have become increasingly popular, offering a combined social, shopping, and entertainment experience all in one. They can be found on most developed worlds.
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