FTL Inhibition

FTL inhibition is the technology and process by which a starship is prevented from entering a faster-than-light state. First developed in the 2230s CE, FTL inhibitors utilise gravity manipulation technology in order to project localised gravity fields at significant distances, up to several AU from a star. The intense gravity fields generated by an inhibitor replicate the effect created by a stellar gravity well, and thus preventing the activation of any hyper drive within the affected area. However, while standard hyper drives become inoperable, FTL inhibitors cannot prevent emergency subspace jumps.

Due to the immense power requirements of long-range gravity field generators, FTL inhibitors can only be effectively deployed on planetary bodies, habitat complexes, or large starbases. However, even a single FTL inhibitor present in a system allows the owner to exert significant control over all traffic - civil and military. Combined with their control over communications in a system, this makes starbases a prime target for capture by any given hostile force.

Although their power requirements prevent full FTL inhibitors from being installed, titans are large enough to mount smaller devices called 'subspace snares'. Instead of fully preventing the formation of hyperspace jump windows anywhere in a system, they project a smaller gravity field directly into subspace at highly localised points. This creates dangerous distortions in subspace, drastically increasing the risk of emergency jumps, as well as significantly increasing the time taken for hyper drives to calculate safe exit vectors.
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